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GolfWRX Insider: Inside the bag of Bryson Dechambeau



To say that Bryson Dechambeau has elevated himself is an understatement. Since his debut, he has put on more than 40 pounds of bulk (20 over the COVID-19 lockdown) and over the past two weeks has shown off what that extra size can do—build a TON of speed.

In recent years, BDC was a mid 170s ball speed player, above average by Tour standards, but not in the same class as the Rorys and DJs of the world. As a player who refuses to leave ANY meat on the table, he knew to compete at the level he wanted, he was gonna have to transform. In this case, it’s exactly Bruce Banner to the Hulk—that comparison is too perfect actually.

If you watched any of the coverage from Colonial, the ball speed numbers were insane. His fairway finders were high 180s, full out low 190s…those are Cam Champ numbers. Even more, the goal is 200 MPH. So as this transformation is impressive, there is another mountain for Bryson to climb to get there.

It needs to be addressed that YES, Finau, Champ, and some others get ball speeds up there, but what Bryson is trying to do is play with the accuracy he is used to and hit it like that. I’m sure that’s the goal of every player but this Bryson DeChambeau, he wants to become “End Game” Hulk…not the other guy. If you know, you know. I have a hunch in his mind the end game (no pun intended) is a Golf Machine.

But what will a transformation like this do to his equipment DNA? What would need to change to optimize it all? Ball speed, control, descent angle, spin, feel, all of it.

Ben Schomin (tour operations manager for Cobra Golf) is a friend and is also one of the most knowledgeable and respected tour reps out there. As head of the Cobra staff, he is also responsible for managing not necessarily a large staff, but it’s a staff that has four very unique personalities in BDC, Fowler, Dufner, and Lexi. All world-class but all very discerning when it comes to their gear.

As you can imagine with Bryson, as with his game in general, getting it right takes work, but that’s what these reps love, not so much the challenge as much as the process.

I had a chat with Schomin on BDC about that process, and this is what he had to say.

JW: He switched back into the SpeedZone. What was that process like, and what did he gain from his older model?

BS: The main difference in this SpeedZone head is the lower loft. We had to completely design another head to accommodate the low lofts. We do the same for 9 and 10.5-degree heads so doing the same for a 7.5 degree wasn’t really difficult, but did take some time.

For clarification, our engineering team doesn’t just design a 10.5-degree head and then press a button in CAD to make a duplicate 9-degree head with a lower loft. There’s a lot of design/CAD work that goes into each individual lofted head.  Our engineering team works very hard to get these details dialed in, and they’re the unsung heroes when a product works well. 

JW: Why did he switch out of SZ in the first place? Was it cosmetic, feel, launch numbers? 

BS: Every year we make a new driver with the design intentions that it will be better than the previous generation. This may not sound difficult to the average golfer, but rest assured this is no small feat. I’m proud to say that we make this happen year in and year out.

Typically, players (tour-level, single digits, and weekend players) don’t see massive changes in their swings or body compositions. In Bryson’s case, it’s being well documented how much he’s changed in the course of the last 12-18 months. That makes our job (tour and R&D) very difficult to adapt to these changes. Our smaller team operates quite efficiently, but getting it right still takes time. 

JW: What is the testing process like with Bryson? I imagine its quite detailed…

BS: Honestly, it’s very detailed with every player we work with. He tends to ask more questions and challenge us more often with ideas, but overall paying close attention to details is what helps us make better products for our team—which in turn helps us make better products for our customers. 

JW: With his recent physical transformation, did you have to make any adjustments to his equipment to match up with the speed?

I would say the biggest change is making lofts stronger across the board and getting those lofts to match/coincide with spin and carry distances. Bryson, like all tour players, has a set of goals with his bag

  1. numbers they need to hit with each club,
  2. windows they need to fly out of
  3. controllable spin and descent angles
  4. feel

It’s the combination of them all that makes the right fit for them. In this case with Bryson, it’s all about dialing in spin with each club. When BDC feels like his spin is dialed, the distances will be dialed.

JW: Thanks, Benny!

BS: You got it

Bryson Dechambeau WITB current specs

  • in regards to wood lofts, there is some tour truck manipulation that happens to get a 14.5 head to 12.25.

Driver: Cobra SpeedZone 7.5°@5.5 w/ LA Golf VD1 Proto 75x tip 1” (45.5”, D3)

3-wood (for bombs) : Cobra LTD [email protected] w/ LA Golf VD3 Proto 75x tip 2” (43, D5)

3-wood (for normal shots): Cobra SpeedZone Tour 14.5@14 w/ LA Golf VD3 Proto 85x tip 1” (41.5, D5)

Irons: Cobra King One Length Utility (4, 5), Cobra King Forged Tour One Length w/ LA Golf Texas Rebar Proto

All irons and wedges are at 37.5” length and 66″ lie angle 

Wedges: Artisan Custom (50@47, 55@52, 60@58) w/ LA Golf Texas Rebar Proto


  • 4i @ 18°
  • 5i @ 22°
  • 6i @ 25°
  • 7i @ 29°
  •  8i @ 33°
  • 9i @ 37°
  • P @ 42°
  • G @ 47° (A
  • S @ 52°
  • L @ 58°

Grips:  JumboMax Bryson Custom (51 gram)

Putter: Sik Prototype w/ LA Golf Proto Putter Shaft

Ball: Bridgestone Tour B X

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  1. geohogan

    Oct 6, 2021 at 9:02 pm

    Lie angle of the putter must be under 80 degrees. Rules of Golf

    Cant watch Bryson putt without questioning his 90 degree look.
    Does anyone see 10 degree angle to his putter shaft relative to the ground.

  2. Pingback: Bryson DeChambeau WITB 2021 (August) | GolfTechie

  3. Pingback: Bryson DeChambeau WITB 2021 (August) – GolfWRX

  4. Pingback: Bryson DeChambeau WITB 2021 (May) | GolfTechie

  5. Pingback: Bryson DeChambeau WITB 2021 (May) – GolfWRX

  6. Pingback: Bryson DeChambeau WITB 2021 Masters – draft – GolfWRX

  7. Pingback: Bryson DeChambeau WITB 2021 (The Players) | GolfTechie

  8. Pingback: Bryson DeChambeau WITB 2021 (Arnold Palmer Invitational) | GolfTechie

  9. Jerry

    Sep 22, 2020 at 10:12 am

    What are his lie angles? I would think there has to be a big variance between 4i and 58 degree!

  10. Koen

    Jun 22, 2020 at 5:50 am

    I watched a lot of Bryson these last two weeks (He was getting a lot of air time in the coverage). Each time he was faced with a ‘touch-shot’, like one of those 40/50 yard pitch shots or a bunker shot, it looked mighty awkward with his 7-iron length lobwedge. His approach seems to work well on softer PGA set-ups where wind doesn’t seem to factor. But I don’t see him winning a Masters or US Open without incorporating more feel in his game. Although, he might surprise me.

    • Ian

      Sep 20, 2020 at 6:59 pm

      Does crushing the field at Winged Foot count?

    • Jim

      Mar 18, 2021 at 5:52 pm

      Too bad for your theory as he already won the US Open…try and keep up!

  11. Jarnio Bubly

    Jun 21, 2020 at 8:26 pm

    Who painted that brown mark onto his putter face?

  12. AO

    Jun 21, 2020 at 2:42 am

    BDC just debunked the loft BS I keep hearing on posts ( ie what? That new 7 iron is my former 4 iron) who cares! Get it delofted, most clubs can be bent 2 degree lower if it bothers you that much. Personally I could care less. As for BDC time will tell. The big caveat hear is that he is a science nerd. This is not some random guy on the tour, NO he is a GEEK with game to match. Whether he is on juice or not, you dont know. With roids there is no eye test. My brother is a personal trainer for a pro club and he has said ppl get confused thinking its all about muscle. Sometimes its about performance. If you were to inject roids and train normally you wouldnt gain nada. What roids crtain roids do is allow you to train back to back instead of taking 2-3 days off for the muscle to repair. I personally dont think he is on anything. My only concern is the way he is going about it, pure POWER. There is a moment when diminishing returns kick in and since this is golf, a game of percision, how do you recover. If this swing holds up and his body does too ( since one must wonder if this is healyth long term, fact is golf is NOT good for the body PERIOD).

    • AO needs to read more

      Jun 21, 2020 at 7:26 am

      You need some education. If you are going to argue subjects do some reading first. Taking steroids is something most males over the age of 50 are taking these days. You and I will probably be on some hormone treatment. But when you take more than what your body “should be producing”, regardless if you train will get you bigger. It also matters what types someone is taking. But when your body receives much more testerone than what your body is/supposed to be producing the muscles (all muscles) grow.
      Its not rocket science even for the “Scientist” that a longer drive = more birdy chances.
      I challenge any of you to gain 25lbs over 8-12 weeks. Mark Mcgwire, Jose Canseco, Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa all where strong dudes before the juice. Then they all gained 25lbs over night and look wat happened.. a baseball traveling 90mph at them suddenly went the other direction way more often than EVER before.

      • AO

        Jun 21, 2020 at 3:28 pm

        I wont get into a discussion on how much I know about this topic since you have already made up your mind that I need to read more about it, fine your opinion, you have right to this. But please dont say this to anyone who has basic understanding of steroids as they may look at you funny. TRT I think is what you are referring to, which is simply ONE type of steriod. If you re-read I mentioned and I reconfirm this and standby it, that steroids are different. Since you are the expert, I take it that you have heard of Gonane. So according to you when I take this I will automatically get bigger. Interesting. What about cholestrol, is that a steroid too? Since we are on the topic, what about plant or fungi steroids. No sir, stop using bro science. Not all steroids will cause you to get large. In fact they have 2 main purposes, transport with cell membrane and signalling. Not all are part of proteing synthesis which is what you are reffering to. But hey its a free world, believe what you want, but its a big arrogant to think someone doesnt know what they are talking about based on lines typed on a forum.

  13. Shallowface

    Jun 20, 2020 at 8:07 pm

    With all of the extra strength, the fairly standard swingweights, the huge grips (although no longer heavy) and the super stiff shafts, I’m surprised he has any feel for the golf club at all. One would think it would be like an average guy swinging a dowel rod.

  14. matt

    Jun 20, 2020 at 7:51 am

    I don’t really get the lofts… 6 degrees strong? With his length he’s probably hitting that 8 iron 190 easily, without even going at it. Does he have enough long shots in a round to devote that much of his bag to to 190-240 approach shots?? I don’t see it

    • Sean Palmer

      Jun 20, 2020 at 1:16 pm

      Has he been tested for steroid use? His physical transformation is quite freakish.

  15. No One

    Jun 20, 2020 at 2:31 am

    What… no one gonna get on him for loft-jacking his irons?

  16. Simms

    Jun 19, 2020 at 11:41 pm

    With the exception of instructors like Tim and Todd Graves how long will it be before we are flooded with “Single Plane” swing instructors…Single plane swinger are normally not the longest because of a shorter swing that is easy to keep on plane…Bryson is using his body to blow past the usual single plane swinger and putting everything he has into that driver swing…

  17. Ewfnick

    Jun 19, 2020 at 2:34 pm

    Didn’t golf used to be a game of skill? Now I am not saying Bryon isn’t skillful, but that part of the package seems to be low in his priorities.

    • Jordan

      Jun 19, 2020 at 3:28 pm

      could not DISAGREE more, i’m not a fan of this guy but if you read beyond this article you will find tons of material going over his swing, training and practice to perfect it and enhance his SKILLS.

  18. Wrx won’t allow me to post this

    Jun 19, 2020 at 2:15 pm

    Bryson is on the juice. No one can gain 25lbs of muscle while dieting. Body builder gain sometimes twice their weight in the offseason because to gain muscle you have to have double the calorie intake.
    But when the body builder cut their diet and eat healthy to show their muscle fibers they lose fat and a ton of muscle as well.
    Its possible to get fit, drop weight and gain muscle mass. But NO way someone already fit and in s mid 20’s can gain 25lbs. Not to mention in all my days lifting and being around body builders (2 Professional and 12-14 AM) when someone starts the juice 20-25lbs is that “new weight” someone earns with their first cycle.
    But the media is salivating about this as if its normal.

    • TO

      Jun 19, 2020 at 9:32 pm

      I’m not saying he’s definitely not on the juice, but by the eye test, the 20-25 lbs is not all muscle.

      • Carolyn

        Jun 19, 2020 at 11:33 pm

        That waist looks like a few cup cakes may have been eaten with the protean shacks.

      • Benny

        Jun 20, 2020 at 7:10 am

        Apologies for the multiple posts but wasn’t showing up when I submitted.

        Does anyone know how the PGA tests?

        Our bodies and DNA only allow us to gain so much. Works the otherway as well. Linemen and strongmen cannot just cut all their weight and become a wide receiver who can run a 4.3. Even the little fat he Bryson has still is no where enough for the 25lbs of weight gains. I can promise you this is not possible w/o substances.

        • Rwj

          Sep 20, 2020 at 8:40 pm

          He was a big guy to begin with. He has gained less to his standard size thwn tiger has to where he began.

  19. Benny

    Jun 19, 2020 at 2:13 pm

    Guys Bryson is on the juice. No one can gain 25lbs of muscle while dieting. Body builder gain sometimes twice their weight in the offseason because to gain muscle you have to have double the calorie intake.
    But when the body builder cut their diet and eat healthy to show their muscle fibers they lose fat and a ton of muscle as well.
    Its possible to get fit, drop weight and gain muscle mass. But NO way someone alresdy fit and in s mid 20’s can gain 25lbs. Not to mention in all my days lifting and being around body builders (2 Professional and 12-14 AM) when someone starts the juice 20-25lbs is that “new weight” someone earns with their first cycle.
    But the media is saying “oh he just started lifting over Covid and added 25lbs…”. How stupid can people be?

    • Realist

      Jun 19, 2020 at 5:13 pm

      There is no way he put on 25 lbs of muscle. He added fat. Had too. He’s most likely not juicing because he really doesn’t have that impressive of a physique, he just looks like he finally got some muscle plus a lot of soft fat. He’s probably over 20% body fat now. When he talks about all the muscle he gained, he comes off sounding uninformed.

      • Benny

        Jun 20, 2020 at 7:18 am

        Depending on the chcle there is a lot of other attributes that come with them. For instance most testerone add a lot of water weight. The water weight can look like fat but when cut the water weight drops off in a few days.
        There is many ways to stack and cycle guys. But because everyones body is different results vary just like certain drugs work for someone but maybe not you.
        But there is no way stuffing your face and doing the lame workouts Bryson does will net 25lbs. You couldn’t even gain 25lbs of fat in a couple months. Look at the dude who ate McDonalds for a month.
        People are uneducated because of body builders. But when you see all natural body builders they look completely different than the Pro Bodybuilders like Mr Universe who do not test.

  20. Benny

    Jun 19, 2020 at 2:12 pm

    Guys Bryson is on the juice. No one can gain 25lbs of muscle while dieting. Body builder gain sometimes twice their weight in the offseason because to gain muscle you have to have double the calorie intake.
    But when the body builder cut their diet and eat healthy to show their muscle fibers they lose fat and a ton of muscle as well.
    Its possible to get fit, drop weight and gain muscle mass. But NO way someone alresdy fit and in s mid 20’s can gain 25lbs. Not to mention in all my days lifting and being around body builders (2 Professional and 12-14 AM) when someone starts the juice 20-25lbs is that “new weight” someone earns with their first cycle.
    But the media is saying “oh he just started lifting over Covid and added 25lbs…”. How stupid can people be?

  21. Delbert

    Jun 19, 2020 at 11:46 am

    He’s got a baby kangaroo in that belly. That’s the difference. I don’t like watching him swing. Looks like he is going to get hemorrhoids, so it makes me itch.

  22. Pelling

    Jun 19, 2020 at 10:16 am

    The grips are what amaze me. He’s holding the club in his palms, like a baseball bat. Don’t see this ending well for Bryson…

  23. Jordan

    Jun 19, 2020 at 10:07 am

    Those lofts so crazy for a tour player, I love it. Coupled with the fact that it’s one length he shouldn’t even put numbers on the club, should just put distances. This guy is hilarious, but I admire the disruption of the norms.

  24. joro

    Jun 19, 2020 at 9:58 am

    I had read he wemt to a 48″ Driver yet the article said 45.5″bit it does look long when he tees it up. So what is the truth.

  25. Rob

    Jun 19, 2020 at 9:35 am

    Sorry, I love the articles here but this was pretty weak. That guy didn’t answer anything. It sounded like he was reading off the marketing material at Cobra and avoided addressing anything about why he went back to older model heads. When you asked why he switched out of the SZ, he didn’t even give a real reason why. Bryson didn’t even just go back to the F9, he went all the way back to the LTD. From what I understand he was cracking heads in the SZ. Why didn’t they just say that and explain that they had to make a lower lofted version and with a stronger face? Long drive guys crack heads all the time and I have quite a few friends that swing fast enough that they break normal drivers after a while. I was hoping for a real discussion about the details of Bryson’s process and instead it feels like we got marketing fluff.

    • JP

      Jun 19, 2020 at 10:25 am


      • JP

        Jun 19, 2020 at 10:27 am

        Was supposed to say 100%… not sure how it turned into question marks

    • Brandon

      Jun 21, 2020 at 4:00 pm

      I noticed that too. Evasive in his answers. Rickie didn’t last very long in the SZ either.

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Whats in the Bag

Yuka Saso WITB 2024 (June)



Driver: Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond (9 degrees)
Shaft: IST Proto 50 TX (45.5 inches)

Image via Callaway Golf.

Image via Callaway Golf.

3-wood: Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max (16.5 @15.5 degrees)
Shaft: Mitsubishi Diamana GT 60 X (43 inches, tipped .5 inch)

Hybrid: Callaway Apex UW (19)
Shaft: Mitsubishi Diamana 60 ZF

Irons: Callaway Apex CB (4, 5), Callaway Apex MB ’21 Raw (6-9)
Shafts: Nippon Modus Prototype

Image via Callaway Golf.

Wedges: Callaway Jaws Forged ’23 (46, 50), Callaway Jaws Raw (56-08C), Callaway Jaws Raw Proto (60-08C)
Shafts: Nippon N.S. Pro Modus3 Tour 105 S

Image via Callaway Golf.

Putter: Odyssey Ai One Milled 3T

Ball: Callaway Chrome Tour X

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Whats in the Bag

Eric Cole WITB 2024 (June)



  • Eric Cole what’s in the bag accurate as of the Memorial.

Driver: PXG 0311 Black Ops (9 degrees)
Shaft: Project X Even Flow Riptide LX Proto 70

3-wood: TaylorMade Stealth (15 degrees)
Shaft: Project X Denali Black 70 TX

5-wood: PXG Gen5 0311 (18 degrees)
Shaft: Project X HZRDUS Black 95 TX

Irons: PXG 0317 CB (4), PXG 0317 ST (5-PW)
Shafts: True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X100, True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue Mid X100 (5-PW)

Wedges: Vokey Design SM10 (50-12F, 54-10S, 60-04T)
Shafts: True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue S400

Putter: Odyssey White Hot OG 1WCS, Odyssey White Hot OG 5CS

Ball: Titleist Pro V1x

Check out more in-hand photos of Eric Cole’s clubs here.



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Spotted: Titleist GT drivers, fairway woods at the Memorial Tournament



Titleist released its TSR family of drivers in September of 2022. Owing to the company’s recent pattern of a two-year product cycle for its woods, GolfWRXers have been eagerly anticipating the next iteration of the Titleist Speed Project…or whatever direction the company decided to go in improving upon the most-played drivers on tour.

With tour seeding officially beginning at this week’s Memorial Tournament, it seems Titleist is going with the latter. That is, not a “TS” driver, but rather, new “GT” nomenclature.

As always at this stage of the seeding process, Titleist is mum on any details, but we do have in-hand photos for your perusal and speculation.

Check ’em out, below.

Titleist GT2 driver

Titleist GT3 driver

Titleist GT4 driver

Club Junkie’s take

The new Titleist GT drivers and fairways look really good, as you would expect from a Titleist club. The shaping between GT2, GT3, and GT4 look to be very similar from address. This can help in fittings where a player gravitates towards the look of one driver even though the performance of another model might be better. Overall the three drivers look to be a touch more rounded compared to the TSR models and the sleek sole design that helps with aerodynamics is slightly more intricate. It will be interesting to see how the Titleist fans will react to the “GT” text as the alignment mark instead of the legendary triangle.

The biggest change to my eye is the movement of the GT3’s movable weight back to the sole of the club. Titleist moved the sliding weight to the rear of the driver for TSR3 and now we have it back low and forward. This could mean lower spin and launch for the GT3 model. Interestingly, the plate that holds the weight in place looks to be completely closed with no weight tab showing out from the track.

It is hard to tell from photos, but the face on the GT2 looks to be deep, maybe deeper than the TSR2. It looks like the single rear weight stays put and we “2” series players won’t get the adjustable option like the TSR3 again.

Titleist looks to be sticking with the dual weights on the TSR4, so like last year you can dial it in for low spin with the heavy weight forward or keep it back for some added forgiveness. The shape looks to be a smidge more compact in the GT4, shorter from front to back. This could mean a slightly smaller CC or just different shaping.

Check out more in-hand photos of Titleist GT drivers here.

Also spotted at Jack’s place: new GT2 and GT3 fairway woods.

Our on-course reporter will offer updates as soon as we know anyone is testing the new woods. For now, enjoy the photos.

Titleist GT2 fairway wood

Titleist GT3 fairway wood

Check out more in-hand photos here and see what GolfWRXers are saying.




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