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Accessory Reviews

Gadgets: Spy X18 The Beacon Bluetooth Speaker



Playing music on the golf course has become both acceptable and convenient at many golf courses and driving ranges, and as a result more and more golf-specific gadgets have become available.

You might already have a bluetooth speaker at home, but some models are better for golf than others. Take Spy’s X18 Bluetooth Speaker, for example. It’s designed to fit in a cup holder, which means it won’t fall out of your golf cart when you punch the gas.

If you’re not riding, you can hang it from your golf bag with a handy carabiner. And although we can’t endorse the behavior, there’s also a mic and speakerphone should you need to take a call on the golf course.

Here’s what else you need to know about Spy’s X18 Bluetooth Speaker. 

the beacon speaker

It’s durable

  • It has a molded outer silicone shell skin for durability.
  • It’s water resistant, good if you spill drinks or it rains.
  • It’s IPX6 water-resistant, and drop-proof from up to 1.2 meters (that’s about the length of your driver, folks).

golf speaker

Good battery life

  • Boasts 15-hour battery life of full max volume playback, good enough for about three rounds of golf.
  • Built-in 2200 mAh class A high capacity rechargeable lithium battery

Sound-quality is “up to par”

  • The Spy X18 is equipped with dual 400mm speaker drivers and dual passive radiator, made for enhanced bass and consistent sound quality.
  • It’s rated power 6W with 360-degree surround stereo sound

Here is a sound bite from the voice on The Beacon bluetooth speaker:


Where to buy

  • Spy’s The Beacon speaker is available for $99.95 at in both orange and black shells. 
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  1. DMT

    Nov 9, 2015 at 4:03 pm

    I have considered bringing my speaker to the course. I have seen a number of people use them. The key word is SEEN. Unless I’m right next to their cart or bag, I can’t hear it, let alone be distracted by it.

    How is that more distracting than the walker in your group with clubs banging together as he walks? Or the other twosome in their cart driving around looking for their balls in the rough while you hit? Not to mention the guys NOT in your group in the next fairway, on the next tee, last green etc, who bang the gas and drive off during your crucial putt or tee shot?

    Or, God forbid, someone talking on the course?!? And the PLANES IN THE SKY!!! How dare they fly while I’m hitting?

    If anything, a little background music will drown a lot of that out, not be more distracting.

  2. Clark

    Oct 23, 2015 at 8:25 am

    I see a lot of anti music posts on here. I don’t see a problem with low level music in your group as long as you are respectful to others around you. We play a GAME.

    If you are willing to spend the time and money to play. It is your descretion on enjoyment. If you play strictly by the rules, fine, don’t listen to music. If your rules are loose, then wear your loudmouth attire, drink that pint, improve your lie, and enjoy the experience. Neither is wrong.

    I’ve been a playing professional for over a decade now. Be respectful of others and enjoy the time with friends. Leave the Tour attitude on TV (or at least save it for a tourney) and out of your foursome. Just go out there and have fun.

    • Pro

      Oct 23, 2015 at 9:22 pm

      Professional? What is your name and what are your stats?

  3. Bob

    Oct 22, 2015 at 1:49 am

    Why are you promoting this? Everyone likes their own music and no one wants to hear someone else’s from the adjacent fairway.

  4. Rule the World

    Oct 18, 2015 at 6:10 pm

    It’s simple:
    Play by the USGA/ R&A rules, idiots!


  5. Joe

    Oct 18, 2015 at 6:05 pm

    It looks like one more thing to leave on your cart when your finished playing. IF, I used such a device it would have to hang on my bag so it would not be left behind.

    Also, I don’t need any outside noise to distract me or others. I you are playing alone, use headphones. If playing with others forgo any music.

  6. Mark

    Oct 17, 2015 at 9:26 pm

    Music has no place on the course. I go to the course to enjoy the peace and quiet and nature. Our club has enough issues with Juniors trying to snapchat every shot. If you play in headphones you are ignorant and anti social. Find another game.

  7. McCleod

    Oct 17, 2015 at 9:25 am

    I am 70, but I see nothing wrong with a little low-volume music in the background when my friends and I are playing. What with the customary slow play issues – it is often relaxing. Those that are aggravated with the “hacks” among us had better be happy that we play at all. The “players” could not support their hobby if all 5% of then had to fund golf in America. And, we are all “hacks” at something. I can soundly beat every good golfer I know in tennis. Just saying . . .

    • 8thehardway

      Oct 18, 2015 at 1:12 am

      What sort of music do you listen to when playing tennis?

  8. mgholda

    Oct 16, 2015 at 8:19 pm

    i listened to music while I played today for the first time
    Don’t know if it was the Celine Dion and Backstreet Boys or if it was just my day but anyways shot my best score ever (113). Me and my life partner just bought some Mariah Carey songs and can’t wait to listen to them this weekend on the course.

    • Boblocke2

      Oct 21, 2015 at 12:25 am

      Classic. Life partner and Celine Dion while banging a 113.

  9. 8thehardway

    Oct 16, 2015 at 9:58 am

    Wait ’till you meet Playlist Pete who blasts ‘ Ride of the Valkyries’ on the tee box, ‘Hammer Smashed Face’ in the sand trap and ‘Summer Breeze’ on the putting green. Sure, he’ll turn it off after he hits so no problems, right?

  10. ooffa

    Oct 15, 2015 at 5:37 pm

    Golfers come and go. Rock and Roll is here to stay. Tee it up and rock on. It’s time to bring these old geezers back from the brink of their stodgy old ways.

    • Affoo

      Oct 16, 2015 at 11:44 am

      You’ll be gone like Lamar Odom you’re in the same league as him and we’ll laugh

      • Like

        Oct 16, 2015 at 1:30 pm

        I like that.

      • prime21

        Oct 21, 2015 at 8:09 am

        Dropping a quote about someone who is struggling to cope with life is a classless move. Nothing about what you said is funny. It is sad to see that any human finds it ok to “make a joke” about the trials and tribulations of another, especially considering the individual nearly died. If knocking people down is the only way you can lift yourself up, you should take some time to reevaluate what is going on in your life and seek help from a mental health care provider. The staff at GolfWrx should also be ashamed that they allowed your post to go through. Until you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, you should keep your commentary where it belongs, in your underdeveloped brain. I wish you good luck and hope that you find happiness in your life.

  11. Non

    Oct 15, 2015 at 3:52 am

    “both acceptable and convenient at many golf courses”

    NO, it HAS NOT. Only at mickey mouse low-class backwoods munis. Stop this lying now. It states, clearly in the rules of golf that music is NOT ALLOWED in play on the course at any time.

    If you have any respect for the game, you will stop any music on the course, period.

  12. Joshuaplaysgolf

    Oct 14, 2015 at 11:26 pm

    Kyle, totally agree with you, if you aren’t doing it around other groups, who cares? As long as your group is cool with it. The issue is that a lot of people don’t have that awareness and get salty when asked (politely) to turn the music off while your swinging. I’m in my late 20’s, so not a crotchety old guy or preppy country club jerk, I adore hip-hop and listen to music constantly while I practice, which is 4-5 hours every day…but I always have my noise cancelling headphones in so I don’t annoy anyone on the range. It’s not all that different than if someone is talking while your swinging. Just be respectful of other people, as some golfers just want a few hours of quiet, sunshine, and a stroll around a georgeous course. I also agree with you fully that we need as many youth as possible, and the average golfer is really at the core of the golf economy. ‘Serious’ players and low handicappers might make up, what, 5% of golfers? I don’t think anyone wants to scare anyone off, but just want people to be self aware enough to cut the music when they’re around other groups. Everyone is out to have fun, that’s why we play, but that looks a bit different for everyone and when one person’s good time effects someone else’s good time, that is where the conflict comes from.

  13. Brian

    Oct 14, 2015 at 9:50 pm

    100% AGREE

  14. mgholda

    Oct 14, 2015 at 9:37 pm

    The people who typically play music while on the golf course are either (1) hackers, (2) playing in a couples event, or (3) older guys trying to act younger. Whichever one fits your particular case, it is disrespectful conduct and should not be encouraged. I play serious golf to escape from societal de-evolution, not to be reminded of it. This is where I draw the line. Sorry to be “get off my lawn guy”, but this is indicative of larger problems in today’s world.

    • Non

      Oct 15, 2015 at 3:53 am

      Thumbs up agree

    • Teaj

      Oct 15, 2015 at 8:35 am

      I wouldn’t call myself a hacker or play in couples events, nor do I consider myself to be old at 31. I have played music on the course but am courteous enough to know when to turn it down if approaching a group or within earshot of another group. I guess I am not the so called typical golfer playing music on the course then.

      • Bert

        Oct 15, 2015 at 8:16 pm

        I doubt it. Use headphones and keep the noise to yourself.

    • Keith

      Oct 20, 2015 at 2:15 pm

      I’m scratch and 37yrs old. My cart has a radio and if I play elsewhere I don’t play without my speakers. Regardless of what some people on here think, you can play music in your cart/group without disturbing others. It’s really quite simple to do.

  15. TimJHU

    Oct 14, 2015 at 8:49 pm

    I agree…if you are playing music on a golf course make sure you’ve got earbuds in!

  16. Devin Bland

    Oct 14, 2015 at 7:04 pm

    I was given this speaker as a tee prize. It’s pure garbage.

  17. mgholda

    Oct 14, 2015 at 6:33 pm

    Using personal headphones is OK, but using a speaker on the golf course subjecting everyone to your taste in music and disturbing their round is NOT OK. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT or anything similar.

    • alan

      Oct 14, 2015 at 7:27 pm

      you sound fun

      • J

        Oct 14, 2015 at 8:10 pm

        Because he doesn’t want to listen to someone else’s idea of ‘good music’? You sound like an idiot.

        The very strong majority of golfers would prefer it quiet when they are hitting a shot. What’s the difference in whispering about your crappy kid and having to listen to ‘NWA’, ‘Kenny Chesney’, or ‘Jimmy Buffet’ while someone tees it up?? It’s just not the time or the place. This is sort of like making a boom box for people who frequent libraries. If you ask your playing partners if they mind before turning it on and turn it off when other groups are around, it’s no big deal. But when your idea of a ‘good time’ starts ruining other people’s, there’s a problem. I’m guessing your the type who gets pissed and rolls his eyes when someone politely asks you to turn your music off while they hit. Try to find a little self awareness and figure it out. Bro.

        • alan

          Oct 15, 2015 at 8:09 pm

          thankfully my playing partners are good golfers not jacka$$ hacks that need it dead quiet so they can hit their slice into the woods. you want peace and quiet go hike the AT or PCT or go lay in the bed with your lame wife

          • uid1

            Mar 29, 2016 at 3:02 am

            You sound like exactly the sort that wouldn’t shut the f##k up with the noise, er, music, when someone else is trying to enjoy some peace & quiet or even take a shot.

            And don’t get me started on how you probably listen to the same tired music you’ve been listening to since you were a teenager (most everyone’s favourite music is from when they were a teenager, and idiot on the course this past weekend was blaring some 30+ year old stuff – boring AND annoying).

        • Bert

          Oct 15, 2015 at 8:19 pm

          +1 It’s always amazes me how some defend their need to disturb others.

      • mgholda

        Oct 14, 2015 at 9:39 pm

        Playing winning golf is fun. Care to play straight up for the deed to your mobile home?

    • TOOL

      Oct 14, 2015 at 8:11 pm

      …and if your bleeding ears are nowhere nearby, who cares what and how loud I play something;)

      • mgholda

        Oct 14, 2015 at 9:40 pm

        Great name! Very fitting!

      • Jack

        Oct 14, 2015 at 10:30 pm

        So you’re that guy who likes to “share” his music with strangers and when they tell you to turn it down you feel like they are intruding on YOUR space?

        • TOOL

          Oct 15, 2015 at 3:22 pm

          Your assumption that I’m trying to ‘share’ my music with you or any other stranger is intruding…

    • Kyle

      Oct 14, 2015 at 10:54 pm

      Sure some people may have their music loud and not be courteous to other golfers, but my friends and I play music because it’s relaxing and enjoyable for us. Takes a bit of the seriousness out of golf and let’s us get out and relax. When we come anywhere near other groups that may be able to hear the music we turn it down. All you’re doing is being stubborn/old school/dinosaur and taking the fun out of golf for young people who in the end are important to the sustainability of the game. Give your head a shake. If it doesn’t effect you with 99% of the time it won’t, shut your trap.

      • Non

        Oct 15, 2015 at 3:59 am

        “shut your trap.”

        Right back at you, eejit

      • Joe

        Oct 18, 2015 at 6:11 pm

        Kyle: You think that old people don’t like music, and you have to be young? Music has its place but that usually is not on the golf course where if it disturbs the concentration of other golfers trying to concentrate and enjoy their game.

        When your music interferes with others it should be left for a different time. Common courtesy will take you much further with your game and life in general.

        Have fun golfing. It is not a life contest against the young and old.

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Accessory Reviews

Insider photos from Tiger Woods’ launch event for his new “Sun Day Red” apparel line



On Monday evening, inside the swanky, second-story “Coach House” event center in the Palisades Village, just minutes down the road from the 2024 Genesis Invitational at Riviera Country Club, Tiger Woods and TaylorMade officially announced their new apparel/footwear/accessory line, called “Sun Day Red.”

The Sun Day Red website officially launched on Monday night during the event, and the products are set to go on sale starting May 1.

The “Sun Day Red,” or “SDR” name will be self-explanatory for most golf fans, since he’s been wearing a victory-red shirt on Sunday’s for his entire professional career, but Woods explained the meaning of Sun Day Red at the launch event:

“It started with mom. Mom thought – being a Capricorn – that my power color was red, so I wore red as a junior golfer and I won some tournaments. Lo and behold, I go to a university that is red; Stanford is red. We wore red on the final day of every single tournament, and then every single tournament I’ve played as a professional I’ve worn red. It’s just become synonymous with me.”

The Sunday Red outfit has worked to perfection for his 82 PGA Tour victories, including 15 majors, so why not make an entire apparel line based on the career-long superstition?

As I learned at Monday’s launch event, the new Sun Day Red line includes much more than just clothing. To go along with a slew of different golf shirt designs and colorways, there were also windbreakers, hoodies, shoes, hats, headcovers, ball markers and gloves on display.

The upscale event was hosted by sports media personality Erin Andrews, with special guests David Abeles (CEO of TaylorMade) and Tiger Woods himself.

As explained by Abeles, the Sun Day Red brand is an independently-run business under the TaylorMade umbrella, and is based in San Clemente, California (rather than Carlsbad, where TaylorMade headquarters is located), and it’s run by a newly-formed, independent group. Brad Blackinship, formerly of Quiksilver and RVCA, is the appointed president of the new brand.

As for the logo itself, obviously, it’s made to look like a Tiger (the animal), and is comprised of 15 tiger stripes, which correspond with Woods’ 15 major championships. While the logo may need a 16th stripe if Woods adds a major trophy to his collection, it makes perfect sense for the time being.

The golf/lifestyle line is meant to combine premium precision and athletic comfort, while still having plenty of wearability and style off the course. Like Woods said on stage at the event, he wants to be able to go right from the course to dinner wearing Sun Day Red, and that was exactly the aesthetic on display at the event on Monday.

Following the official announcement from Woods and Abeles, they revealed multiple pieces of clothing, accessories and footwear for the event-goers to ogle (and photograph). Check out a selection of product/event photos below, or head over to our @GolfWRX Instagram page for video coverage…OR, head into our GolfWRX Forums for even more photos and member discussion.

Enjoy this exclusive look at Tiger Woods’ new Sun Day Red apparel lineup below.

See more photos from the Sun Day Red launch event here

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GolfWRX Spotlight: Motocaddy M7 Remote and M5 GPS DHC electric cart review



I have been thinking about electric golf push carts, or trollies, ever since I started playing in my league seven years ago.

Motocaddy has been making high-quality electric, and non-electric, carts since 2004 and has a couple of great options for the golfer who loves to walk. Motocaddy was nice enough to get their M7 Remote and M5 GPS DHC in my hands to try out on the course for a few weeks.

I have had a lot of people stop me to ask about the carts, and the one thing I keep telling them is that these carts are just flat out fun to use on the course.

Motocaddy M7 Remote

The M7 Remote was very easy to get set up right out of the box. All you have to do is charge the battery, install the wheels, and you are pretty much ready to go. The M7 folds up pretty small, just a little larger than the 3-wheel pushcart that I had been using for years. Getting it to the course should be no problem with just about any trunk space. Now, the one downside to an electric cart is the weight when moving it around, and both carts come in at around 35 pounds each. Even with that extra weight, I didn’t have much trouble lifting them in and out of the back of a pickup.

The M7 unfolds quickly with the flick of two levers and extends the front wheels automatically. Once unfolded, you drop in the battery, plug it in, and secure your bag. If you own a Motocaddy bag, they have developed a really nice system called EasiLock that involves two metal studs that fit into the bottom of the cart. This system also includes a molded base that prevents the bag from rotating at all, even on the roughest terrain. You can still use the M7 with almost any other golf bag as it includes elastic straps that wrap around the top and bottom of the bag.

As soon as you plug in the battery the LCD screen comes to life and you are ready to go. You can use the M7 without the remote by using the dial on the handle to control the starting, stopping, and speed. But the M7 has a remote that is activated by a simple press of the power button to get going. The remote is very simple with just five buttons to control where the M7 goes.

Getting a feel for the M7 takes no time at all and by the time you drive it from your car to the 1st tee you will be in complete, and confident, control of the cart. You simply press the “+” button to start moving forward and the cart takes off gently without any rattling of your clubs, and you can press that same button again to increase the speed. The cart will go from a slow crawl, for bumpy or tight areas, too, as fast as I could run with just a few presses of the button. The big red “stop” button in the center stops the cart immediately, and when stopped it is locked in place, even on steep hills. You don’t have to worry about remembering to set the brakes or anything because it is done automatically.

Steering is just as easy: simply press the right or left button to turn the cart. Small, quick presses will just slightly adjust the cart as it moves down the fairway while a long hold of the button can make it turn on a dime to the right or left.

Almost everyone asked me how stable the cart was and if it would tip over. I can proudly say that it has stayed upright even on some unseen bumps at maximum speed. Side hills, ruts, and even curbs are handled with ease with the help of the small rear wheel.

I really enjoy strolling down the fairway with nothing but the M7’s remote in my hand — it just makes golfing more fun!

Motocaddy M5 GPS DHC

After using the M7 and its fancy remote, I was a little nervous that I wouldn’t like not having it. But to be honest the M5 was just as fun to use, but for a different reason.

As the name suggests, the M5 has a built-in GPS with 40,000 courses preloaded into it. The screen is a good size, pretty responsive to the touch, and easy to read in direct sunlight. Having the GPS directly on the cart is great, you drive up to your ball and immediately have yardage to the front, back, and center of the green as well as bunkers and hazards. You can easily toggle between screens on the GPS and it offers a couple of different views to help navigate the hole. The M5 can also keep score and let you know shot distances right on the screen. Motocaddy even includes nice little touches like a screen protecter kit to ensure durability.

Driving the M5 is just as easy as the M7 with using the dial on the handle. And speaking of the handle, the grips have a great tacky rubber that grips well even in hot and humid conditions. To start the M5 you just press the dial down and the cart will gently start down the fairway. You can turn the dial to increase or decrease the speed — I found between 5-6 to be the most comfortable for me. But the speed can go up to a very fast pace if you are looking to set a record for fastest round of the day.

As you walk down the fairway, or rough, stopping the cart is as simple as pressing he dial again. When stopped the M5 engages a parking brake automatically so you don’t have to worry about it running down a hill without your approval. The M5 has tons of power to go up just about any hill and the Down Hill Control (DHC) keeps the speed consistent even when going down a steep decent.

Since the M5 has so much power, and it is a little heavy, I thought steering would be a little bit of a challenge. It wasn’t, at all. Guiding the M5 took very little effort and slight adjustments going down the fairway were very easy. Really tight turns took a slight bit more effort as the torque can want to go forward a little more than turn. Again, once you get the M5 from the car to the first tee, you will be a master at driving it.

Overall, Motocaddy has created two great carts that provide additional enjoyment to walking your favorite 9 or 18. Having the ability to walk without carrying or pushing your bag, clubs, and whatever else goes with you. I like them so much that it is going to be hard to get the M7’s remote out of my hands when I go play!

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GolfWRX Spotlight: Crossrope weighted jump rope & app



An 18-hole round of golf averages out to just under five miles of walking, which on its own is a good workout. Once you throw in some potential uphill trekking you get some serious cardio too, but if you all looking for a quick workout between rounds of golf look no further than Crossrope.

Crossrope – The details

Crossrope is a system of the weighted jump rope that allows you to quickly switch the weight of the ropes you are using to boost your workout—they range from 1/4 lbs all the way up to 2 lbs depending on the kit you start out with. There is an accompanying app that helps you go through multiple workout routines and is available free, or you can upgrade to the entire library of workout routines along with more workout tracking options.

This is NOT your middle school jump rope

The handles are heavy duty and feature precision bearings to allow the rope to move smoothly around as you go through a routine. They are also ergonomic and fit into your hand naturally, which making gripping easy, something that is really nice when you’re swinging a 2 lbs coated steel cable around. The handles also come with a fast clip system to make changing cables depending on your selected workout easier too.

The ropes themselves are made from braided steel and are almost impossible to tangle, allowing them to be easily transported and stored when not in use. All in you are getting a premium piece of workout equipment that is effective and easy to store—hard to same the same thing about a treadmill.

When it comes to a workout, skipping rope is one of the most effective cardio workouts you can do, and with Crossrope, you can get both cardio and low impact weight training when using the heaviest ropes, and follow along with the guided workouts.

As someone that hadn’t used a jump rope in over a decade, starting out lighter was a nice way to ease in before moving up, and I was pleasantly surprised how easy and fun some of the workouts in the app were. If you are looking for a fun way to add something to your workouts, or you just want to try something new to get you into golf course walking shape, this could be right up your alley. To learn more check out

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