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Putter Reviews

Review: Odyssey Tank Cruiser Putters



Pros: Available in four different models — #1 Wide, #7, 330M and V-Line — and two different lengths (35 and 38 inches). Each Tank Cruiser putter comes with a weight kit that offers three different head weights and counterbalance weights. Stock 15-inch SuperStroke Mid Slim 2.0 grip is a nice touch.

Cons: $249 is pricey for an insert putter, but there’s value in the stock SuperStroke grip that houses an adjustable counterbalance system and the putter’s slick weight kit.

Bottom Line: Odyssey recognized that there was a gap between the company’s conventional putters and its counterbalanced Tank models. Tank Cruiser putters sit nicely in between, offering several different models and a well-thought-out, nicely packaged adjustable weight system.


Odyssey Principal Designer Austie Rollinson told me in last 2012 that the ban of anchored-putting styles by golf’s ruling bodies would fuel putter innovation. My guess is that the Tank Cruiser was exactly what he had in mind.

Like previous Odyssey models, the Tank Cruiser putters ($249) have two adjustable weight ports and three sets of putter head weights that weigh 10 grams, 15 grams and 20 grams. They allow the putter head to be made as light as 365 grams or as heavy as 385 grams in 10-gram increments.

What’s new, however, is that the putters also have a screw-in weight system in the butt end of their grips. Those removable weights, which weigh 0, 15 and 30 grams, allow golfers to change the overall feel of the putter.


Adding the heavier weights to the handle of the grip will move the putter’s balance point closer to a golfer’s hands, while using the lighter weights will move the balance point closer to the putter head. Golfers looking to smooth out their stroke often add more weight to the handle of their putters, while those more reliant on feel or like to feel a more active release during the stroke usually add more weight to their putter heads.

Counterbalanced putters like the Tank Cruiser are nothing new to golf, as many serious players have tinkered with different head weights and “back weighting,” the process of adding weight to the handle of the putter, for decades. But Odyssey is the first major putter manufacturer to simplify this process with adjustable weight ports in both the head and handle of a putter, saving tinkerers time and money.

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The V-Line (left) and #7 Tank Cruiser putters. Click on the photos to enlarge them.

The Tank Cruiser putters are available in four different styles — the #1 Wide and 330M have a bit of toe hang, while the #7 and V-Line are face-balanced — and each is available in lengths of 35 or 38 inches. Odyssey advises golfers who are interested in a counterbalanced putter to try the 38-inch model if they use a putter that is 35 inches or longer, or to try the 35-inch model if they use a putter that is 34 inches or shorter.

The Tank Cruiser putters come stock with a 15-inch SuperStroke Mid Slim 2.0 grip that weighs about 70 grams without weights. It’s extra length allows golfers to choke down on the longer-than-standard putters as Odyssey advises without the worry of running out of grip. And since the grips are non-tapered, golfers will have the same feel at the top of the grip as they do at the bottom.


As a former long putter user, I was devastated when the USGA announced that starting in 2016, I wouldn’t be able to anchor my 50-inch broomstick to my sternum in the USGA qualifiers I like to play. So like most golfers who were reliant on anchored putters, I started experimenting. I tried arm lock/Kuchar putters, big grips and several different putting styles before I realized that I could survive without my anchor. But surviving on the greens and thriving on them are two different things.

The takeaway from my tinkering was that I needed a counterbalanced putter with special weighting to help me putt my best. One of my favorite options was Odyssey’s Tank putter, but it felt clunky to me and I was moving away from face-balanced models. If only the Tank Cruiser putters were available then, I wouldn’t have spent so much time and money adjusting my gamers with shaft extensions, grips and lead tape.

The #1 Wide (left) and 330M putters. Click on the photos to enlarge them. 

Adjusting a Tank Cruiser putter allows a golfer to play Goldilocks. For me, putting the heaviest weights (20 grams) in the putter head made it feel too heavy. The 5-gram weights, on the other hand, made it feel to light. The 15-gram weights got me closer, but it still wasn’t “just right.” I’ve spent the last month experimenting with the 0-, 15- and 30-gram counterweights in the grips of the #1 Wide and 330M putters I was sent for review, and have finally settled on the 15-gram weight in the #1 wide. That gives me a more traditional look and the counterbalanced feel that I’ve come to enjoy, especially on the short putts that I tend to miss to the right of the hole.

What I was after, and what most golfers will be looking for, is the feeling of an effortless release of the putter at impact. In theory, the extra weight in the handle should slow down that portion of the putter during the stroke and allow golfers to more easily square up the toe with the heel at impact, but that won’t be true for all golfers. Some players, like me, will like the overall heavier feeling, which can add stability to a golfer’s stroke. Some golfers won’t know why they like it… they just will. And that’s great, too.

Each Odyssey Tank Cruiser comes with three sets of adjustable putter head weights (5, 10 and 20 grams) and three different counterbalance weights (0, 15 and 50 grams), as well as a special wrench to make the adjustments. 

So how do you know if a counterbalanced putter is for you? Making changes to the putter’s adjustable weight system creates noticeable differences in feel, but if you’re strongly opposed to the way the putter feels in its stock configuration (two 15-gram weights in the head and a 15-gram weight in the handle), it’s probably not right for you. And if you do like the stock setup, you should still experiment with the different weights. You’ll know when you get it right, even if it takes you some time like it did for me.

Looks and Feel

The Tank Cruisers have Odyssey’s Black Matte finish, which gives the putters a classic, no-glare look and offers a nice contrast with white alignment aids on each putter. I found the finish to be fairly durable, although the finish on the sole will show some wear as soon as you take it to the course.

The #1 Wide (left) and 330M putters at address. Click on the photos to enlarge them. 

Odyssey also took care to offer several different alignment aids in the line. The #1 Wide has a single alignment aid that is located in the flange of the putter, while the 330M has two lines on the flange that frame the ball nicely at address. The #7 has a sightline on the putter’s top line, as well as two longer lines that reinforce a golfer’s alignment on the fins of the putter. The V-Line has the most aggressive alignment aid with three long sightlines on its flange.

Each of the putters has Odyssey’s re-formulated White Hot insert, which feels extremely soft and is Odyssey’s most popular insert on the professional tours.

The Takeaway


If you’re struggling with your putting, there’s no reason not to try a counterbalanced putter. They’re great for golfers looking to get a jump on switching from their anchored putters, and while they’re not for everyone, they can be a nice change of pace for golfers who want to feel something a little different.

[wrx_buy_now oemlink=”,en_US,sc.html” oemtext=”Learn more from Odyssey” amazonlink=”″]

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  1. Neil

    Aug 28, 2014 at 8:05 am

    As you say nothing new really, still prefer the look of my Wilson Staff Kirk Currie #1 – he was playing with this sort of thing years ago.

  2. Thus

    Jul 31, 2014 at 2:59 am

    Are you able to remove the weight blow the grip off cut it down then re grip using the same grip? I was fitted yesterday for a 330m mallet at 34″ so would like to cut it down if possible.. I’m fussing to weigjt screws into the grip not the shaft?

  3. bobbyfoling

    May 17, 2014 at 11:33 am

    Since there is no replacement grip available, where would you order a customized Tank Cruiser with a 33″ lenght?

  4. Martin

    Apr 27, 2014 at 10:49 am

    I love the look of the Vline, tried a Fatso on my #5 last year and didn’t like it, went back to a midsized grip.

    Counterbalancing is intriguing, not sure it’s $249 intriguing though

  5. Graymulligan

    Apr 27, 2014 at 10:26 am

    Love the idea, but I’m not a huge fan of the superstroke only option.

  6. LorenRobertsFan

    Apr 26, 2014 at 1:54 pm

    I putted with one in my local course’s pro shop and liked the #7 and VLine. I didn’t like how hair-thin the alignment line on the #1 was. Looked more like a scratch in the paint than a line. I would have probably loved it if it was a thicker line

    • da man

      Apr 26, 2014 at 4:10 pm

      line! line! line! line!

    • Charlie

      Apr 26, 2014 at 9:58 pm

      Yeah for $249 the paint job on the line for the #1 looks cheap!

  7. CT

    Apr 26, 2014 at 1:39 am

    I did some market training with Callaway Golf for the golf store I work at. Alan Hocknell and some other top executives spoke there. When the question was asked, “I regrip my putter every year, how do I get this regripped?” They had an interesting response of “we don’t know the answer yet, hopefully, in a years time, we will know the answer.” You cannot order this grip from anyone. It is an exclusive to this putter and is not available for individual purchase. It was funny to see top people in the company sort of laugh this one off… Very prepared…

    • LorenRobertsFan

      Apr 26, 2014 at 10:13 am

      And even if they start selling the counterbalanced grips, people will buy them to put on their own putters, or on their Taylormade putters that were silly enough to put the CB in the grip rather than the end of the shaft, unlike doing like the original Tank did

  8. Clemson Sucks

    Apr 25, 2014 at 8:11 pm

    + other putter grips

  9. Jeff Borders

    Apr 25, 2014 at 12:32 pm

    So all the weights can be used in either the head or grip? I assume the 0g is just a cover?

    I tried the Tank Cruiser #1 and loved it.

  10. Charlie

    Apr 25, 2014 at 2:09 am

    What do you do when you want it regripped?

    • Scooter McGavin

      Apr 25, 2014 at 9:52 pm

      You order another special back-weighted grip from Odyssey…. or give up the back-weighting.

      • CT

        Apr 26, 2014 at 1:40 am

        I was told by Callaway Golf that this grip is not available for individual purchase

  11. Joel Domen

    Apr 24, 2014 at 11:32 pm

    I love the idea and will likely be picking one up, I have to assume that callaway will make replacement grips available to ease in keeping the coolest part of the putter going for more than one season. Adjustable headweight is awesome but this putters selling point for me and probably many others is the ability to on the fly change the counterbalance effect.

    I get barely a season out of a superstroke playing twice a week and it would be a shame to lose the super quick tinkering ability in a few months of play. Granted, most people will find a setup and stick with it to a certain degree so you could just weight under the grip when you change to a new grip but it still seems like a shame to lose the quick tinkering ability.

    • Bainz

      Apr 26, 2014 at 6:31 am

      Are you hitting drives with your putter?? How do you wear out a putter grip??

  12. Jump

    Apr 24, 2014 at 8:44 pm

    Rolled the Cruiser 1 today and was really impressed. I realize there is a SuperStroke and weight kit included but I wish these were around $189 instead of $249.

  13. Reggie Ramos

    Apr 24, 2014 at 7:02 pm

    I like the counterblance tank cruise puntter,it sounds awesome.

  14. LorenRobertsFan

    Apr 24, 2014 at 6:59 pm

    What if you don’t like the SS grip, or prefer a Flatso? Or when the SS grip gets dirty after a couple months, will you lose the CB effect when removing the grip?

    • LorenRobertsFan

      Apr 24, 2014 at 9:46 pm

      I wish they wouldn’t use a grip that is white and known for easily getting so dirty

    • Clemson Sucks

      Apr 25, 2014 at 8:09 pm

      I imagine Super Stroke will bring these grips to retail.

    • Odyssey_Koske

      Apr 28, 2014 at 7:24 pm

      The weighting system is the shaft. A re-grip and cutting any other 67-gram grip will give you the same effect. Replacements will come in the future, but for Tour we just cut other grips open if one is requested. The grip is a 15-inch SuperStroke (67 grams) with a hole in the back.

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Blade vs. mallet: What style putters do the top-50 players in the world use? (2022 update)



Four years ago, I wrote an article where I analyzed the putters that the top-50 players in the world were using, and the top-50 players in strokes gained: putting. I wanted to find out whether more mallet-style putters, or blade-style putters, were being used by the world’s best.

In 2018, I found that 44 percent of the top-50 players in the Official World Golf Rankings were using mallet style putters, and 56 percent of the top-50 in strokes gained: putting were using mallet putters.

Flash forward to 2022, and it would seem that more and more top golfers are switching into mallet putters – Scottie Scheffler, for example, just switched into a mallet putter after using a blade-style putter throughout his career.

What are the actual numbers, though? Are more top PGA Tour players really using mallet putters these days, or is the shift overblown?

I wanted to find out.

For my research, I simply went through the most recent GolfWRX WITB photos, and the most recent photos on Getty Images, to figure out what style putter each player in the Top-50 in the OWGR is using, as well as each Top-50 player in strokes gained: putting on the PGA Tour for the 2021-22 season.

Below are the results:

Top-50 in OWGR: Blade or Mallet?

Mallet putter users, 62 percent (31 out of 50)

Rory McIlroy’s TaylorMade Spider Tour mallet putter

Rory McIlroy (No. 1: TaylorMade Spider Tour Hydroblast)

Scottie Scheffler (No. 2: Scotty Cameron T-5.5 Proto)

Patrick Cantlay (No. 4: Scotty Cameron T5 Proto)

Jon Rahm (N0. 5: Odyssey Rossie S White Hot OG)

Xander Schauffele (No. 6: Odyssey O-Works #7 CH Red)

Will Zalatoris (No. 7: Scotty Cameron Circle T Phantom X T-11 Proto)

Justin Thomas (No. 8: Scotty Cameron T5 Proto Tour-Only custom)

Viktor Hovland (No. 11: Ping PLD DS 72)

Sam Burns (No. 12: Odyssey O-Works 7S)

Billy Horschel (No. 16: Ping PLD Sigma 2 Tyne 4)

Cameron Young (No. 17: Scotty Cameron T5 prototype)

Max Homa (No. 18: Scotty Cameron Phantom X T5.5 Prototype)

Sungjae Im (No. 20: Scotty Cameron Flowback 5 Prototype)

Shane Lowry: (No. 21: Odyssey DFX 2-ball)

Abraham Ancer (No. 23: Odyssey White Hot No. 5 Stroke Lab)

Keegan Bradley (No. 25: Odyssey Versa Jailbird)

Sepp Straka (No. 27: Odyssey Tuttle Stroke Lab)

Tyrrell Hatton (No. 28: Ping Vault Oslo)

Kevin Kisner (No. 29: Odyssey 2-Ball 11)

Dustin Johnson (No. 30: TaylorMade Spider GT Black)

Corey Conners (No. 31: Ping PLD Prototype)

Tom Hoge (No. 32: TaylorMade Spider X Hydroblast)

K.H. Lee (No. 33: Odyssey Works Versa 2-ball)

Adam Scott (No. 34: L.A.B. Golf Mezz.1 prototype)

Aaron Wise (No. 36: TaylorMade Ghost)

Brian Harman (No. 37: TaylorMade OS CB)

Daniel Berger (No. 43: TaylorMade Spider X Hydroblast)

Jason Kokrak (No. 44: Bettinardi Studio Stock 38)

Harold Varner III (No. 46: Odyssey White Hot OG 7S)

Seamus Power (No. 48: Ping PLD3 Mallet)

Harris English (No. 49: Ping Scottsdale Hohum)

Blade putter users, 38 percent (19 out of 50)

Tom Kim’s new custom Scotty Cameron blade-style putter

Cameron Smith (No. 3: Scotty Cameron 009M Prototype)

Collin Morikawa (No. 9: TaylorMade TP Soto)

Matt Fitzpatrick (No. 10: Bettinardi DASS Prototype)

Jordan Spieth (No. 13: Scotty Cameron 009 tour prototype)

Tony Finau (No. 14: Ping PLD Prototype)

Joohyung “Tom” Kim (No. 15: Scotty Cameron TourType GSS Prototype)

Hideki Matsuyama (No. 19: Scotty Cameron Newport 2 GSS)

Joaquin Niemann (No. 22: Prototype Ping PLD Anser)

Tommy Fleetwood (No. 24: TaylorMade TP Juno)

Ryan Fox (No. 26: Ping Anser 2D)

Thomas Pieters (No. 35: Scotty Cameron Squareback Select 2 Tour Only)

Talor Gooch (No. 38: Odyssey Tri-Hot Two)

Brooks Koepka (No. 39: Scotty Cameron Teryllium TNP2)

Kevin Na (No. 40: Odyssey Toulon Madison)

Kurt Kitayama (No. 41: Scotty Cameron Newport prototype)

Louis Oosthuizen (No. 42: Ping Vault 2.0 Voss)

Mito Pereira (No. 45: Ping Vault 2.0 Dale Anser Stealth)

Paul Casey (No. 47: Scotty Cameron 009M Prototype)

Alex Noren (No. 50: Odyssey O-Works 1W)

Top-50 in Strokes Gained: Putting

Mallet users: 70 percent (35 of 50 players)

Kelly Kraft’s custom Odyssey Versa 1-Ball Red prototype mallet

Lucas Herbert (No. 1: TaylorMade Spider X Hydroblast)

Denny McCarthy (No. 2: Scotty Cameron GoLo N7)

Tyrrell Hatton (No. 4: Ping Vault Oslo)

Beau Hossler (No. 5: Odyssey 2-Ball Ten)

Christiaan Bezuidenhout (No. 6: Odyssey White Hot OG #7)

Kelly Kraft (No. 7: Odyssey Versa 1-ball Red Prototype)

Kevin Kisner (No. 9: Odyssey 2-ball 11)

Sam Burns (No. 10: Odyssey O-Works 7S)

Martin Trainer (No. 12: Scotty Cameron Circle T Prototype Phantom T12)

Chesson Hadley (No. 13: Odyssey White Hot OG 2-Ball)

Mackenzie Hughes (No. 14: Ping Scottsdale TR Piper C)

Rory McIlroy (No. 16: TaylorMade Spider Tour Hydroblast)

Ian Poulter (No. 17: Scotty Cameron T-11 Proto)

Justin Rose (No. 20: Axis1 Rose Prototype)

Billy Horschel (No. 21: Ping PLD Sigma 2 Tyne 4)

Matthew Wolff (No. 23: TaylorMade GT Notchback)

Adam Long (No. 24: Scotty Cameron T5 Proto)

Viktor Hovland (No. 25: Ping PLD DS 72)

Max Homa (No. 27: Scotty Cameron Phantom X T5.5 Prototype)

Patrick Cantlay (T28: Scotty Cameron T5 Proto)

Jon Rahm (T28: Odyssey Rossie S White Hot OG)

Wyndham Clark (No. 31: Scotty Cameron T5 Proto)

Xander Schauffele (No. 32: Odyssey O-Works #7 CH Red)

Vince Whaley (No. 33: Odyssey White Hot OG #7)

Rory Sabbatini (No. 34: Scotty Cameron Flowback Prototype)

Austin Cook (T35: Ping Sigma G Tyne)

Sungjae Im (No. 37: Scotty Cameron Flowback 5 Prototype)

Andrew Putnam (No. 38: Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Rossie)

Sepp Straka (No. 39: Odyssey Tuttle Stroke Lab)

Seamus Power (No. 40: Ping PLD3 Mallet)

J.T. Poston (T41: Scotty Cameron GoLo 5 Black Tour Prototype)

Adam Scott (T41: L.A.B. Golf Mezz.1 prototype)

Troy Merritt (No. 43: Yes! C-Groove Mollie Tour)

Jason Kokrak (T46: Bettinardi Studio Stock 38)

Mark Hubbard (No. 50: Odyssey Metal X Milled #9HT)

Blade users: 30 percent (15 of 50)

Matthew Fitzpatrick’s custom Bettinardi blade-style putter

Brendon Todd (No. 3: Sik Pro C-Series)

Cameron Smith (No. 8: Scotty Cameron 009M Prototype)

Matt Kuchar (No. 11: Bettinardi Tour Department SS28 DASS)

Marc Leishman (No. 15: Odyssey Versa #6)

Alex Noren (No. 18: Odyssey O-Works 1W)

Maverick McNealy (No. 19: Toulon Stanford MM Custom)

Matt Fitzpatrick (No. 22: Bettinardi DASS Prototype)

Tommy Fleetwood (No. 26: TaylorMade TP Juno)

Patrick Rodgers (No. 30: Odyssey Toulon San Diego)

Seung-Yul Noh (T35: Scotty Cameron Select Prototype)

Scott Stallings (No. 44: Scotty Cameron Newport 2.6 Prototype)

Brooks Koepka (No. 45: Scotty Cameron Teryllium TNP2)

Justin Lower (T46: PXG Prototype)

Richy Werenski (No. 48: Scotty Cameron Circle T Prototype)

Patrick Reed (No. 49: Odyssey White Hot Pro #3)


In 2018, 44 percent of the top-50 players in the Official World Golf Rankings were using mallet style putters, and 56 percent of the top-50 in strokes gained: putting were using mallet putters.

In 2022, 62 percent of the top-50 players in the OWGR use mallet style putters, and 70 percent of the top-50 in strokes gained: putting were using mallet style putters.

What do you think this means?

To me, it means that each golfer should try as many putters as possible – under the supervision of a professional fitter or local club professional – and find the best possible putter to fit their stroke style and preferences.

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Putter Reviews

REVIEW: Ping’s new PLD (Putting Lab Design) putters for 2022



Not every golfer has access to custom-built golf putters like PGA Tour players do, but with Ping’s new PLD (Putting Lab Design) program, they can get pretty darn close.

Through the newly launched website,, golfers will have access to precision milled putters like the ones seen on Tour, and they can even customize their own putter with a Tour-level fitting experience either online or in person.

There’s three essential levels to the new PLD program: PLD Custom, PLD Limited and PLD Milled. Each of the levels comes with different putter options at differing price points.

“The PLD program allows us to bring golfers more of what we do best – design and build the highest-performing custom putters in the game,” said Ping President John K. Solheim, in a press release. “It offers nearly endless possibilities. Golfers can craft their own custom design through PLD Custom, choose the proven performance of a PLD Milled model or add to their putter collection by acquiring a PLD Limited. It gives golfers a chance to play what the pros play and own a piece of Ping history.”

“We established the PLD name several years ago as an extension of the PING Putting Lab,
where we’ve been fitting some of the top players in the world for more than 20 years,” said
Solheim. “Until now, access to the master fitters who deliver these custom putter experiences has been limited to the best players in the game. We can now bring golfers what they’ve been asking for either through a virtual or in-person experience.”

Below, we go further in-depth on each of the three options within the PLD program.

Ping PLD Milled

PGA Tour players such as Viktor Hovland, Tony Finau and Bubba Watson use Ping PLD precision milled putters, and now consumers will have access to those Tour-proven putters.

Each of the heads (Anser, Anser 2, DS72 and Prime Tyne 4) are machine milled from forged 303 stainless steel. Ping offers a breakdown of the specs for each available model, which will sell for $485 each:


Slight Arc
Matte Black finish
Ping black graphite shaft
Lie Angle: 20° +/- 4°
Loft: 3° +3°/- 2°

Anser 2

Slight Arc
Satin finish
Chrome stepless steel shaft
Lie Angle: 20° +/- 4°
Loft: 3° +3°/- 2°


Straight Stroke
Satin finish
Chrome stepless steel shaft
Lie Angle: 20° +/- 2°
Loft: 3° +3°/- 2°

Prime Tyne 4

Aerospace grade, machined aluminum hosel
Strong Arc
Matte Black finish
Matte-black stepless steel shaft
Lie Angle: 20° +/- 4°
Loft: 3° +3°/- 2°

“The PLD Milled is an exciting addition to our putter line,” said John K. Solheim. “We’ve
identified a couple of our most popular models from the past and some newer designs that have attracted a lot of attention in the last couple of years. We’ve given the new putters a very clean, premium look to emphasize the precision process they undergo before they are ready for play. As we collaborate on new designs with our engineers and tour staff through the PLD program, we’ll add new models to bring golfers the latest in tour-proven performance on the putting green.”

Ping PLD Limited

Ping’s PLD Limited will feature periodic limited-edition releases consisting of either putters that are played on Tour, or iconic designs from history. According to Ping, these putters are mostly targeted toward collectors, so they will have serialized numbers and will not be available for custom modifications.

For its first release ($790), Ping developed a 2022 version of the original Ping Anser, celebrating the 55th Anniversary of receiving the original Anser Patent on March 21, 1967.

“A lot of time has passed since the invention of the Anser putter,” said John A. Solheim, Ping’s Chairman & CEO and the youngest son of Karsten Solheim, who designed the original putter. “We think it’s important to remind the golf industry and some of the younger golfers that the iconic design they see with other brands’ name on it was created by Karsten in his garage in the mid-1960s. I was fortunate to be at his side building the first Ansers, and continued to do so for many years. It’s time Karsten gets the credit he deserves for inventing the Anser putter.”

Ping PLD Custom

The highest level in the Ping PLD program feature the PLD Custom putters, where golfers can customize their own designs with either the help of a Ping Master fitter in person, or virtually through the PLD program online. To help golfers find their perfect putter, they will use the PLD iPing putting app, and a Ping Master fitter will analyze the player’s data to recommend a putter.

Then, golfers can fully customize the putter to their liking, with ability to change head model, Tungsten weighting, face milling, finish, alignment aids, stampings and paint fill. Ping’s Master Fitters will also help golfers get the correct length, lie angle and loft for their stroke and biometrics.

The putters themselves will sell for $1,290, and a $200 non-refundable payment is required to schedule and participate in a PLD Custom Fitting, whether it’s virtually or in person.

Personally, I received a Ping PLD Custom Fitting in-person at the company’s indoor facility in Phoenix, Arizona. After identifying my stroke flaws (of which there many) using Ping’s iPing putting app, I tried out a slew of different head options and we made head adjustments along the way to figure out what truly works. Here were my final specs:

Head model: Ping Anser
Finish: Patina
Weight: 350 grams
Alignment line/dot: None
Stamping: “T” on the hosel
Length: 35.5 inches
Shaft: Chrome Stepless Steel
Grip: PP58 Black Midsize

What blew me away most was how impactful length and lie angle can be on comfort at address and stroke pattern. Even minor changes felt drastic. Also, the depth of face milling can truly change both feel and sound; I never realized how much.

Another point of note: Switching up alignment lines obviously can affect aim, but for me, they also influenced my stroke itself due to the visual changes. I highly suggest going through a full putter fitting to determine what specifications you prefer for yourself.

Check out the photos below of the putter that was designed for me through my work with a Ping Master Fitter:

Ping PLD putters are available for pre-order today, and head over to Ping’s PLD website to book your own fitting here.

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Putter Reviews

WRX Spotlight Review: T Squared TS-713i Standard Series putter



Product:  T Squared TS-713i Standard Series Putter

About T Squared: T Squared Putters is a small putter manufacturer just south of Buffalo, New York. The company was founded by Tony Tuber who created his first prototype putters, after hours, in his father’s machine shop. Since then Tony and his father have been creating high-quality putters in the same facility that creates high precision instruments for the medical field. They pride themselves on creating the highest quality, most precise putter they can offer. They offer a few different head shapes from small traditional blades to high MOI mallets and even a custom program to get exactly what you want.

The Ts-713i Standard Series is based on the Ts-713, the first prototype that Tony created. It is a blade-style putter with a slightly longer flange and a unique face insert milled from 6061 aluminum. The body of the Ts713i is milled from a solid block of 303 stainless steel that is produced in the USA and has a Teflon backing between the body and face insert.

This Teflon backing helps give the putter a softer feel at impact and reduce any unwanted vibration. Details are what T Squared is all about and the neck of the putter shows off their milling expertise. The neck is similar to a plumbers neck, built with multiple pieces and offering some cool texture on the section bonded to the head. Another great detail is that all the silver markings on the putter are not filled with paint, they are milled into the head. T Squared finished the head in a sharp matte black and then milled all the markings on the putter for a unique, shiny silver look that really stands out. Ts-713i putters are built for customizing and have a ton of options that you can select if you would like to build something totally unique

On the green, the T Squared TS-713i really performs fantastic. I found the feel at impact very solid without any unwanted vibration. The impact produces a muted click and soft feel that I wasn’t expecting from this aluminum insert and thin face. The deep milling and Teflon coated back to the insert really work together to produce a great, responsive feel that I enjoyed. Deep milling usually makes me a little worried because it can soften the putter too much and lose that feel we all demand.

The TS-713i has no issues and transmits impact feel back to your hands with ease. Mishits are a little louder and harsh, but nothing even close to unpleasant. I have used putters that don’t feel as good on perfectly struck shots as the TS-713i feels on mishit putts. Distance and accuracy on those mishit putts are not as drastic as you would expect with a blade putter. I often just missed the cup by small margins when I struck a putt on the toe or heel of the TS-713i. There aren’t too many blade putters that have shown this level of forgiveness on the green for me.

The “T” alignment aid on the flange of the putter is large and easy to use. Not only do you get a straight line from the face to the back edge for alignment, but the back of the “T” also helps you square the putter up to your target. The Pure grip is not my thing, and it would be great for T Squared to offer a few more options, but that is an easy fix and a very minor criticism.

Overall, the T Squared TS-713i is a great putter from young Tony Tuber that exceeded my expectations. His attention to detail, precision milling, and take on a classic head shape offer golfers something different without sacrificing any performance. If you are looking for a great feeling putter that is made in the USA, you should take a look at T Squared and see what they can make for you.

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