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The year-long quest to fix my swing at GolfTEC



If golf instructional materials were drugs, call me Tony Montana. I wish I wasn’t such an addict, but it’s too late. I’ve read just about every instructional there is, watched countless YouTube videos and tune in to the Golf Fix regularly. Throughout this fascinating, but tortuous and often trippy journey, I’ve observed two basic constants:

  1. Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons is largely viewed as the Holy Book on golf instruction.
  2. No one agrees with one another.

In fact, I think golf instruction is probably the most complex, highly debated, nonsensical moving target in all of sports training; a subject that is not only mired in an endless black hole of tips, triggers and tricks, but features such opposite opinions on seemingly basic principles that the result of one’s glance into the kooky kaleidoscope of its instructional labyrinth is more likely to yield finished products more akin to Jack Torrance than Jack Nicklaus.

jackRead the books or watch the thousands of YouTube videos yourself, and you’ll see what I mean. The contradictions that exist within basic aspects of the golf swing are so maddening that even the most shameless of flip-flopping presidential candidates would likely cry uncle if forced to offer a harmonious explanation. Swing the club head or the handle? Do the hips lead the downswing or the hands and arms? On errant shots, is it better to keep a positive attitude or act out psychotic fantasies of bludgeoning your golf bag to death and stuffing its decrepit remains into the nearest trash can? For what it’s worth, I can see the latter being a great stress reliever.

In the spring of 2014, I made the foolish attempt to self medicate a swing flaw which, as I now know, has been a more challenging obstacle to overcome than my fraternity hell week. A premature extension of my wrists was occurring prior to impact and producing the hallmark of every doomed amateur: the dreaded flipped left wrist/chicken wing at and after contact. Try as hard as I might, I could not rid myself of this grotesque post impact deformity, despite my clear awareness of the issue. I knew the fault, but literally could not fix it. It was as if my brain was tapping my hands on the shoulder, evading detection, and pulling my hands’ pants down. And the advice I would get from fellow playing partners — my personal favorite, “you’re not making a golf swing, you know?” — was not helping matters either.

The months that followed were a mixture of mystery and misery. The “flippy” release was now in my head. One-hundred-yard pitch shots became a breeding ground for blooper-reel content. Drives were too often finding the wrong fairway, subjecting me to perplexed glares from different foursomes, even occasionally obligating me to explain the reason for wayward tee ball. For what it’s worth, I have found that an exasperated, “Rough night last night,” provides the best way to diffuse of this embarrassing situation.

In July of that year, my friend took me to his member guest, and we proceeded to finish DEAD LAST in the entire event, causing us to be the brunt of countless jokes and even some match fixing accusations from the affected parties in our flight. Thankfully, the bartenders made that weekend a little less painful.

This was no way to live. I solicited opinions from a variety of sources: friends, online articles, psychology journals. Experimenting with psychedelic drugs was considered. One of my friends had suggested I go to GolfTEC. “GolfTEC?” I thought. Sure, I had seen the (overly simplistic, cheesy) advertisements, but my legal training made me skeptical. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I went. And I’m glad I did.

I walked into GolfTec for a swing evaluation in October of 2014 with Wayne Sciscio, a friendly, straight-talking Jersey-Italian who runs the East Hanover, New Jersey, GolfTEC branch. He asked me about my long-term goals, my current misses and overall thoughts on the swing. He then hooked me into a vest of sorts (which measured my hip and shoulder rotation at various points in the swing vs. tour averages) as we took some initial cuts. Wayne explained the features of each GolfTEC hitting bay, which includes a down-the-line and face-on camera view, and the ability to immediately replay each swing in slow motion. There was also a launch monitor to provide us with all of the helpful data (swing path, launch angle, etc.), as well as an accompanying flat screen which simulated my ball flight (essential for any indoor training, really).

flatscreenThe initial consultation uncovered two major flaws: First, I was burying my right elbow deep behind my body on the backswing, thus necessitating a “throw” of the club head during the downswing to get the club “unstuck” and, most importantly, that my brain’s idea of impact needed serious rewiring. For about 20 years, my “squaring mechanism” for the golf club, like most amateurs, was to flip/throw the club head past the hands, as opposed to using lag, a proper pivot, and a descending blow at impact.

“I want you to imagine that the top line [of the club head] beats the leading edge through impact,” Wayne said.

I’d never heard impact expressed that way. Wayne even set up an imaginary finish line a few inches beyond impact, in which the top line of the golf club was to finish ahead of the leading edge. For anyone struggling with impact, I urge you to stop reading this article right now and try this exact move.


2014 (left) vs. 2015 swing position at the top

The entire look of my swing was different. Instinctively, I engaged my core, held the angle of my wrists, and kept the club more in front of me. We spent the last third of the swing consultation doing no-ball, slow-motion swings to reinforce this thought. It was necessary to, as Wayne put it, “create new neural pathways” for my brain to understand correct impact conditions. Side-by-side, before-and-after shots showed an immediate difference. But after my lesson, with Wayne not there to restrain my unbridled stupidity, full speed shots featured that same hideous flip through impact. Still, upon a week’s worth of reflection, I signed up for a 10-lesson package with a 3-month practice pass. Wayne was optimistic that, eventually, I’d realize some noticeable success.


Wayne makes some swing observations, and gleefully questions whether my suede bucks are suitable lesson footwear.

It’s worth taking a moment to acknowledge the dueling cameras I referenced before — undoubtedly one of Golftec’s strong points — and how they allow you to watch your swing immediately after its completion. As someone who uses the V1 App on my iPhone to frequently check my swing, GolfTEC’s video apparatus makes using my smartphone seem like dial up internet. There is no comparison. I could probably take, and watch, about 10 swings in the time it would take me to analyze one swing on my iPhone. And, until I land on the winning end of a plaintiff’s class action lawsuit and install my own personal indoor golf simulator, the GolfTEC set up is more than fine for now. It’s great, actually.


The green buttons allow golfers to watch each swing in slow motion, rewind, and watch again at GolfTec.

For the next several weeks, Wayne put me to work. One week, he’d reach into his tub of swing noodles or gadgets to assist him in making his point, whereas other times, he’d merely express ideas, suggest imaginary targets and reinforce the critical importance of no-ball, slow-motion training. We’d then analyze each swing on Wayne’s nearby computer, and talk about the differences between the early- and late-lessons swings. It was almost like my own version of the Golf Fix or School of Golf, but instead of Holly Saunders and Martin Hall, it featured two Italian dudes from Jersey talking about why the %$#^ I couldn’t achieve proper impact conditions.

A few hours after each lesson, I could watch my video highlights on my GolfTEC personal web page, a helpful feature in keeping a sense of continuity between GolfTEC visits. I could even book follow-up lessons on my iPhone through GolfTEC’s mobile app. Tough to beat.

I now know that the various golf packages offered at GolfTEC, which I initially figured to be a scam, are the only way to go. Golf, at least to me, is really, really hard. If you’re trying to make swing changes, it takes total dedication and appreciation of the difficult journey ahead. What feels right is likely wrong, and what feels wrong is likely right. I recall asking Wayne to recommend to me the best golf instructional to supplement my training, but his answer was a bit different than what I expected. He explained to me that the process of learning new positions and addressing swing flaws is rarely expressed or taught — certainly not in any of the famous swing manuals that we’ve all read — and that what I would learn most from my GolfTEC experience was how to train correctly.

And this, to borrow a cryptic Hogan term, is the “secret” of GolfTEC. It exposes the actual culprit in why we cannot improve at golf: our very own brain. Yes, that same alleged “super computer” that once assured you that streaking the quad wouldn’t attract campus security attention or, more appropriately, convinces you that you can automatically incorporate Sergio Garcia’s shaft lean into your weekend game without any practice whatsoever, is the main governor in your swing’s inability to break through to new heights.

For my specific impact ailments, the difference in what I was feeling versus what was actually showing up on GolfTEC’s cameras was, to be honest, nothing short of mind blowing. I personally had to feel like my golf club was in a state of free-fall for what seemed like an hour before I could actually see any real lag and shaft lean on video. New leaks would also spring up due to these changes, and I occasionally had to use lessons to address unforeseen setbacks. With each lesson, Wayne calmly prescribed a cure and never once seemed to share my sense of panic or despair; even as a couple of months had gone by with inconsistent results. Conversely, Wayne kept on preaching proper practice (again stressing the importance of slow swing or no ball training) and patience (not to mention all of the hands-on instruction, drills, and side-by-side comparisons with tour pros). If I had tried to make these changes by swinging 100 percent during each practice session or lesson, I would have never progressed.

shaft lean

My “flippy” release (top photo, circa October 2014). By March 2015 I’d improved it significantly.

Then, one day in the early spring of 2015, the things that I had been working on started to feel familiar; almost natural. Once foreign motor patterns were more instinctual. On the cameras at GolfTEC, I giggled with childlike wonderment as I witnessed my newly grooved strike in which my arms were fully extended after impact on full swings. On the course, I began taking proper divots, with a penetrating ball flight and a sweet crack that hadn’t been there previously. With my driver, I began hitting a hard push draw by employing a slightly bowed left wrist through impact to stabilize the club face and minimize my natural tendency to flip.


My swing in 2014 (left) and in 2015 (right). Note the slightly bowed wrist, rotated hips and better face control in 2015.

I was then able to apply these newly formed habits toward meaningful golf. Later that year, my friend and I won our flight this time in his member guest, and in the fall, I went on to capture my club’s A-Flight title. This year, I hope to make further progress and qualify for my club championship. My golf IQ has also increased. At GolfTEC, you’ll learn about (and witness the effects of) concepts like gear effect, how to properly diagnose missed shots, and (most importantly for me) why occasional episodes of the shanks creep in to your game and how to immediately fix them. By the way, there is nothing quite as disgusting and motivating as watching in slow motion what happens to your club face, post-shank.

Playing with my weekend group, I now laugh at the various forms of irrelevant unsolicited swing advice being tossed around. You’re not keeping your head down or you need to swing in a barrel are just a few of the nonsensical, know-it-all bits of blabber you may hear from the latest Butch-Harmon-of the-moment mid-handicapper. Now, when that same blowhard tries to rationalize your latest pure draw due to you swinging out to the target, you can politely counter: “Actually, my path at impact was right of the target with a club face that essentially bisected the target line and my swing path, thus putting draw spin on the ball. I even caught the ball a little off-center, toward the toe, thus producing a gear effect impact condition which aided the draw.”

Nuff said.

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Lawyer, Bachelor and Golf Nut. John also writes for his and his sister's Italian culinary and lifestyle blog at, maintains an honest GHIN handicap, and is from New Jersey; all of which he is proud of.



  1. MattMcW

    Jun 8, 2016 at 4:33 pm

    For all of those folks who are leery of GolfTec, I am living proof that if you put in the work, you can get the results. I started with GolfTec 3 years ago with an index of 6.9 and my June 1st revised index is 3.5. It hasn’t been easy and I will echo John’s sentiments about being able to actually see what you think you’re doing as opposed to what you actually are doing. To be honest, I’m not anywhere near where I actually want to go, but I have seen a change in the shape/path of my swing, my release pattern, the quality of my strike and the shape of my ball flight. I’ve gone from a classic come over the top pull slice that was caused by an over active upper body at the top, which produced shots high in the air with a lot of spin and great for hitting lots of fairways, but rarely did tee shots get any roll out. Now, I’m seeing shots come off the club with a more penetrating right to left shape to them.

    As for the whole “Stack and Tilt” commenter, GolfTec talks about body positions that all the pros get into during their swings but doesn’t force you into those positions because everyone’s body moves differently.

    Matt McWilliams- I go to the GolfTec in Tysons Corner, VA

  2. Wayne Morris

    Jun 5, 2016 at 11:47 pm

    In my opinion the fact that you claimed to be a 13.6 handicapper prior to starting this golftec experience but looking at those before pictures and those horrible positions makes me scratch my head. Truly your new after positions and knowledge sounds like a more avid golfer, and its more believable that you are a 8 to 10 handicap now not a 5-6. I do agree that high speed video helps pick the flaws to work on, where on the range its always a guess. But golftec does force feed you a certain style which i think is not always the right way for everyone. Belive it or not, with your obvious dedication, and hunger to get better, any instruction would have improved your game but trust me you would have gotten better with a PGA pro than golftec

    • John Iaciofano

      Jun 6, 2016 at 2:10 pm

      Hmm…I am not sure where I claimed I was a 13.6 handicapper, nor did I claim I am a 5. Also, many PGA Pros are also Golftec Pros. In my case, my instructor was a Class A PGA Pro.

  3. JJJ

    Jun 4, 2016 at 5:02 pm

    Started up with GolfTEC last July, got a good pro. Little bit lazy with the lessons, usually only 1 or two a month. Was a 17.1 back then, 12.4 now and trending down. The big thing for me is the immediate visual feedback, frame by frame, both in the lessons and in the video practice. What I think I’m doing is so often far from is actually happening. The visual reinforcement of what I’m trying to achieve has been extremely helpful.

  4. Bogeypro

    Jun 3, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    Congrats on the better play, but this really sounds like a plug for a sponsor.

  5. Truth

    Jun 3, 2016 at 6:19 pm

    Golftec is garabge. A computer can’t teach you how to feel or how to “swing your swing” as Arnold Palmer put it.

  6. [email protected]

    Jun 2, 2016 at 11:07 am

    Avid or serious golfer never go to GolfTec for any fix of their swing. Most of the pros there are “rookies” who just started their teaching career with limited experiences. They are good for beginners who is trying to get a glimpse of the golf and having a very “programmable” swing.

    If you already have a good taste of the golf swing but would like to get better, find some experienced instructors hosted in nearby golf courses or dedicated learning schools (teaching centers, non-franchised). They normally charge more for a lesson ($100-$250 one hour lesson depends on who you are working with) but deliver more effective fixes that you can see the results immediately when you walk off the lesson. The guys who can survive the teaching competition and root themselves on a golf course normally have something to show around.

    I worked with one instructor for four lessons ($150 per lesson, I visited him once a month) and brought down my scores from mid 90s to low 80s (or even mid 70s) in a few months. But you need to keep educating yourself and keep practicing / experimenting during the learning process. By gluing all the swing facts together, you will find a swing that suits you and your game.

    • John Iaciofano

      Jun 3, 2016 at 2:26 pm

      It all depends on the Golftec. The pro that taught me there is a class A PGA professional and I think has given close to 30k lessons. Not exactly a “rookie.”

  7. Jim

    Jun 2, 2016 at 8:35 am

    One of the best articles about instruction—as opposed to instructional articles—I have read. I particularly liked your emphasis on slow swing/no ball training. If you can’t get into the proper positions in slow motion, you don’t understand what they are and you will never achieve them at full speed. I went to a winter golf school this year and had similar swing faults as you, especially flipping at the ball and contacting the turf before hitting the ball. My instructors are advocates of slow swing/no ball training and it wasn’t until I got serious about this aspect that I saw real improvement. And I think this is true regardless of the system or method of instruction.

  8. Philip

    Jun 1, 2016 at 11:12 pm

    Checked out the GolfTec site. Interesting, but it has two issues for me. The first is if the lessons are mainly on fake grass – as I’ve found it can hide too many flaws. Of course, if your swing is good then you can hit off of anything, but that is not their larger market. The second is the use of video – I’ve never found it to be helpful in understanding my swing. It is interesting and useful to understand other swings from a general point of view, but I need to visualize my swing internally from my perspective, and video is external from a different point of view, and other peoples swings is irrelevant to me as I am not them. My best success has been with a golf pro on real grass reviewing my fundamentals to make sure they haven’t gone adrift. The more I understand how setup and address affects a swing by practicing in slow motion, as well as at regular speeds, the better I am able to control the club face and distance.

    • John

      Jun 10, 2016 at 10:35 am

      Philip – I’m sure everyone is different; perhaps video is not your thing and you could be right. I must say however, that in my case, I couldn’t have possibly made progress without video. It’s necessary for me to see my swing faults and be able to see what it feels like when I’m trying to correct it.

  9. Brian

    Jun 1, 2016 at 6:57 pm

    I have to agree with John. I worked with GolfTec for about 18 motnhs. I started as a 12 and went to an 8. Obviously, we all learn differently, but I will not go back to taking lessons on range.

  10. Johnny Muscletown

    Jun 1, 2016 at 6:38 pm

    GolfTec seems to be very polarizing, especially by the armchair pros out there. I had a great experience at GT for over a year. I quit because I had to buy an engagement ring. I took a few other lessons here and there that were not in Golftec from various pros that were very good as well. Bottom line is to find a good teacher and actually do what they say.

  11. Bob

    Jun 1, 2016 at 3:06 pm

    John, how much did GolfTec pay you? I’ve heard more horror stories then good things about GolfTec. The picture you posted does confirm one thing, Golf Tec obviously is teaching the Stack & Tilt. Looking at your before and after picture gives me shivers down my back just as reading about the Stack & Tilt golf swing gives me nightmares at night. Sorry John, but this post of your reeks of “Paid for by” Personally I would not waste my time or money on GolfTec. Sorry John, just don’t buy it.

    • John Iaciofano

      Jun 1, 2016 at 4:20 pm

      Bob – Actually, I did this after my Golftec experience, which I paid for personally. Golftec is likely not teaching the stack and tilt; I personally like to have a bit of a forward move to assist me with proper impact.

      • Bob

        Jun 1, 2016 at 4:57 pm

        John, look at the picture you posted of your after back swing. “Stack & Tilt”

        And yes from what I have been told “Stack & Tilt” is the company teaching policy.

        John like it or not you are now a Stack & Tilter. Scary stuff 🙁

        • John Iaciofano

          Jun 2, 2016 at 10:15 am

          Ha. Never once was Stack and Tilt taught during my golftec experience. Although I would not mind swinging like this!

          • Bob

            Jun 2, 2016 at 10:37 am

            Maybe that’s what they told you but the reality is you are now a Stack and Tilter John. Have fun.
            And as for me, I have better things to spend my money on rather then making the CEO of Golf Tec richer.

            • John Iaciofano

              Jun 2, 2016 at 11:38 am

              I will have fun. Golf has never been more fun. Thank you, Bob.

  12. larrybud

    Jun 1, 2016 at 12:48 pm

    So what’s the bottom line? What’s your GHIN before and after? It’s all about scoring.

    • John Iaciofano

      Jun 1, 2016 at 12:50 pm

      larry I would say i was about a 9-12 and now hover between a 6-8.

      • Ric

        Jun 1, 2016 at 12:57 pm

        The tip you gave” Wayne even set up an imaginary finish line a few inches beyond impact, in which the top line of the golf club was to finish ahead of the leading edge” sounds like what happens when the clubhead overtakes the handle. Am I missing something?

        • John Iaciofano

          Jun 1, 2016 at 1:57 pm

          Ric – it’s the opposite actually. If you have your club’s “top line” (the top of the club) beat the “leading edge” (the bottom of the club) your handle would overtake the clubhead.

      • larrybud

        Jun 2, 2016 at 7:42 am

        You don’t have any hard numbers?

        • John Iaciofano

          Jun 2, 2016 at 11:36 am

          Rarely is my handicap ever fixed or hard; it moves around. At the end of last year my index was a 6.9; which is the lowest it has ever been by at least 1-2 strokes.

  13. Peter d

    Jun 1, 2016 at 12:43 pm

    I did 2 years of golf tec, plus countless other lessons. I see gt as a system of instruction rather than instruction itself, but that system addresses a key fault of “normal” lessons: frequency and long-horizon. I think most people go to lessons to “get fixed” and do not usually keep up with lessons unless they self identify a problem. The gt system addresses this by regular, consistent lessons over an extended period of time, past the initial “fix”.

    That said you still need a solid instructor to actually do the lessons!

  14. cody

    Jun 1, 2016 at 12:40 pm

    I think all instruction is as good as the instructor. Golftec included. All the gadgets and gizmos in the world will not make up for quality instruction. I am sure, that golftec locations, just like golf courses are individual and vary in the “pros” ability and understanding to teach the swing. I dont think that golftec is good or bad. I am glad they exist to try to help players get better, and don’t begrudge them trying to make a dollar at the same time. I say if you are looking for instruction, give them a pass and see if it fits. if not move on.

  15. KangarooLefty

    Jun 1, 2016 at 12:21 pm


    If you mentioned it in the article – I missed it. Do you actually score better?

    While I don’t agree with the masses on the issue of GolfTec: that it is a rip-off/scam/waste; and, that you will never get better. I do believe that fixing an aspect of your swing may not always lead to better results on the course. I know, that statement seems counter-intuitive, but hear me out.

    Most single digit handicappers have either one or both of these parts of their game significantly better than higher digit handicappers: they hit the ball a lot farther; or, they have better than average course management skills. All single digit handicappers are better at yardages under 100 and chipping/putting. GolfTec does not teach you course management and does not teach you chipping/putting. So, while your swing may be getting better – are your scores?

    To most people – the score at the end of the round is more important than the look of the swing or the flight of the ball. A few years back – when I was really devoting time and energy to the sport and had achieved a fairly modest handicap of 4 – I went to GolfTec and had a few lessons. If I had stuck with the entire package maybe my results would have been different, but I immediately felt like my swing wasn’t good enough. I was young and spry and could hit the ball a mile, but my shoulder turn wasn’t maximized and during portions of the downswing I was sliding too much. So off to the range I went with the drills and the thoughts in my head and I started to decline.

    My biggest problem with the GolfTec way is that they only use Professional Golfers as the barometer for your swing. Does your hip rotation match that of Phil Mickelson? Does your shoulder rotation match Dustin Johnson? Here – how does your swing look side-by-side to Tiger Woods in his prime? Are you left-handed – here we can mirror any pro you want to see how you compare. Then – they use averages for shoulder rotation, hip rotation, swing plane, etc to compare your 40 year old swing to that of a professional golfer in their prime. Amateurs that are taking GolfTec lessons will not be able to match those numbers – not anatomically and not physiologically. Therefore, what are you really getting?

    MOST of the time a lesson with a PGA instructor on the range, or better yet, on the course will yield more favorable results than GolfTec – and it behooves me that we keep seeing article after article about experiences with GolfTec.

    I will never take away from a person’s positive experience at GolfTec – it is your money and your pipe dream. If you get better I am happy for you.

    If most high handicappers spent more time on the putting green and chipping area they would reap greater rewards than any full-swing lesson will get them.

    • John Iaciofano

      Jun 1, 2016 at 4:08 pm

      Kangaroo – I definitely improved from golftec; I was breaking 80 with regularity due to the lessons, I think. I am down to about a 6-8 index these days whereas before it was more like a 8-13.

      I personally think that the video lessons are incredibly valuable. If I just went to the range with some tips, I would have not improved. That’s how I always did things prior to golftec; but it took my experience at golftec for me to realize that for me to change an inch, it had to feel like a mile. For what I was trying to do – move my swing bottom forward – I couldn’t have done it without video and Wayne’s guidance. The interesting thing was that my experience was not overly technical. We definitely spent time doing side by side comparisons with tour pros, but it was used as more of a benchmark as to what were working on than a teaching point.

      Actually, one of the things that improved the most was my scoring ability from 100 yards and in. By improving my impact conditions (divot after impact) I was really able to get a more surgical with my pitches and even long chips.

      • KangarooLefty

        Jun 1, 2016 at 7:59 pm

        John – thanks for the response. Sorry my comment was not displayed they way I spaced it paragraph wise. Like I mentioned, I am happy that practicing paid off for you (literally!). I think getting from that low double digit handicap spot to single digits is a great milestone to achieve. As a proper lead-in to any before/after comparison: how did your practice schedule/intensity change? You mentioned that you read every book and you watched every youtube video on golf instruction, so there was obviously knowledge of the golf swing before GolfTec. Was the practice as concentrated and numerous before GolfTec? Or, as you learned to like your new swing/results did your practice sessions become more regular or concentrated?

        • John Iaciofano

          Jun 2, 2016 at 10:29 am

          The practice was definitely quite frequent and concentrated, before. I would bang balls at the range; even using my V1 app frequently. It’s actually possible that I practiced less with golftec, although I definitely took advantage my 3-month practice pass.

          I identified the “flip” due to my own recording with the v1 app, but it was a really hard fix and I enlisted Wayne’s help. I would say the WAY I practiced became much different.

  16. JOL

    Jun 1, 2016 at 8:21 am

    I also signed up for a series of lessons at GolfTec and after 2-3 months never got past trying to get into the “PERFECT” backswing position. In hindsight, it was a waste of time and money.

  17. Snoop

    May 31, 2016 at 3:11 pm

    Glad you liked it, but your picture is too perfect for this meme:

    Pays GolfTEC lessons

    Shows up in jeans

    Maybe we should all forget about golf and get some of that lawyer money

    • John Iaciofano

      May 31, 2016 at 3:30 pm

      GT’s cost per lesson is actually pretty reasonable vs. competitors. The way I saw it, I’d probably be paying for 10 lessons anyway in the next couple of years. And the practice pass is nice, too.

  18. Steven

    May 31, 2016 at 3:05 pm


    Great article. I agree that the system at Golftec is designed for improvement. The constant instruction and video is great. Making swing changes does take time, and Golftec does a good job of showing the process for making changes. That learning is critical to long term success.

    My experience wasn’t as good at Golftec because I had 3 different instructors. I was following a similar improvement plan after a year, but then started having to switch instructors. Like you said, everyone has a different perspective, so I struggled with the switches. I think Golftec is great for accountability, but the right instructor (or instruction) is the most important. A good plan with V1 can have similar results if consistent. It sounds like Wayne is a good instructor, and my guess is he would be good anywhere if the student follows the plan.

    Just my thoughts. I know tons of people have great success with Golftec. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the same luck with the instructor.

    Hope your progress continues and you qualify. That is a great accomplishment.

  19. Jay

    May 31, 2016 at 2:54 pm

    Nice article – I had experience with GT prior to them offering the ball flight simulator. Would imagine thats a big plus to their (already pretty snazzy) technology

  20. ooffa

    May 31, 2016 at 2:33 pm

    I could have fixed you in two minutes for the price of a cocktail at the 19th hole.

  21. John Iaciofano

    May 31, 2016 at 2:20 pm

    Thanks puffy – completely agree with your thoughts. I was very pleased with Wayne’s instruction, and my experience, at Golftec.

  22. Feherty's Large Mouth bASS

    May 31, 2016 at 2:11 pm

    Really? Another advertorial for GolfTEC? Poor kid had tons of lessons to fix a post impact problem where the root cause was 100% in the backswing and transition. Probably took more like 10 minutes to discover that and fix it rather than 10 months and thousands of dollars!

    • John Iaciofano

      May 31, 2016 at 2:33 pm

      100% huh? Feel free to enlighten us; this is an educational piece after all.

  23. PuffyC

    May 31, 2016 at 1:52 pm

    Great write-up, couldn’t agree more. I’ve been working with GolfTec for over a year and the main thing I tell people is that if you’re taking lessons without video, you’re probably wasting your time. What you think your swing is doing is almost 100% never what it is actually doing, and without the cameras you have no idea.

    • Pe

      May 31, 2016 at 3:22 pm

      Video works for some, not for all. Just like any lesson. And some are just not born for physical activity of any kind, let alone any sport. Don’t encourage those people they can play this sport. They can’t.

      • bruce

        Jun 1, 2016 at 1:07 pm

        i think most people can find their way around a par 3 or executive course (they’re ok from 100 yards and in). and even on “real” courses one can always play from the forward tees (they should remove the gender designation). but, yeah, some people (myself included) don’t have what it takes to play from the tips. for me scoring mostly comes down to pitching, chipping, bunkers and putting anyway (and avoiding complete mis-hits on longer shots).

    • larrybud

      Jun 1, 2016 at 12:57 pm

      Depends on how you learn. My wife is all about showing her (like putting her into a certain position) so she can feel that position. Video is nearly useless to her.

      • bruce

        Jun 1, 2016 at 1:12 pm

        for me it’s interesting to see how i’m doing on video but it doesn’t really help me figure out what i’m supposed to “feel” (or think about) during the swing. and if i think too hard about one particular aspect of the swing (like touch your chin to your shoulder on the backswing) it generally kills my tempo and i hit a horrible shot. maybe it’s as much about rhythm, tempo and confidence as anything else (i know i can hit this shot because i’ve done it before). and for me my results on the driving range are pretty much unrelated to how i play (it’s all different when you’re actually playing a course).

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19th Hole

Vincenzi’s 2024 Wells Fargo Championship betting preview: Tommy Fleetwood ready to finally land maiden PGA Tour title



The PGA Tour season ramps back up this week for another “signature event,” as golf fans look forward to the year’s second major championship next week.

After two weaker-field events in the Zurich Classic and the CJ Cup Byron Nelson, most of the best players in the world will head to historic Quail Hollow for one of the best non-major tournaments of the year. 

Last season, Wyndham Clark won the event by four shots.

Quail Hollow is a par-71 measuring 7,521 yards that features Bermudagrass greens. The tree-lined, parkland style course can play quite difficult and features one of the most difficult three-hole stretches in golf known as “The Green Mile,” which makes up holes 16-18: two mammoth par 4s and a 221-yard par 3. All three holes have an average score over par, and water is in play in each of the last five holes on the course.

The field is excellent this week with 68 golfers teeing it up without a cut. All of the golfers who’ve qualified are set to tee it up, with the exception of Scottie Scheffler, who is expecting the birth of his first child. 

Past Winners at Quail Hollow

  • 2023: Wyndham Clark (-19)
  • 2022: Max Homa (-8)
  • 2021: Rory McIlroy (-10)
  • 2019: Max Homa (-15)
  • 2018: Jason Day (-12)
  • 2017: Justin Thomas (-8) (PGA Championship)
  • 2016: James Hahn (-9)
  • 2015: Rory McIlroy (-21)

Key Stats For Quail Hollow

Strokes Gained: Approach

Strokes gained: Approach will be extremely important this week as second shots at Quail Hollow can be very difficult. 

Total SG: Approach Over Past 24 Rounds

  1. Akshay Bhatia (+1.16)
  2. Tom Hoge (+1.12)
  3. Corey Conners (+1.01)
  4. Shane Lowry (+0.93)
  5. Austin Eckroat (+0.82)

Strokes Gained: Off the Tee

Quail Hollow is a long course on which it is important to play from the fairway. Both distance and accuracy are important, as shorter tee shots will result in approach shots from 200 or more yards. With most of the holes heavily tree lined, errant drives will create some real trouble for the players.

Strokes Gained: Off the Tee Past 24 Rounds:

  1. Ludvig Aberg (+0.73)
  2. Rory McIlroy (+0.69)
  3. Xander Schauffele (+0.62)
  4. Viktor Hovland (+0.58)
  5. Chris Kirk (+0.52)

Proximity: 175-200

The 175-200 range is key at Quail Hollow. Players who can hit their long irons well will rise to the top of the leaderboard. 

Proximity: 175-200+ over past 24 rounds:

  1. Cameron Young (28’2″)
  2. Akshay Bhatia (29’6″)
  3. Ludvig Aberg (+30’6″)
  4. Sam Burns (+30’6″)
  5. Collin Morikawa (+30’9″)

SG: Total on Tom Fazio Designs

Players who thrive on Tom Fazio designs get a bump for me at Quail Hollow this week. 

SG: Total on Tom Fazio Designs over past 36 rounds:

  1. Patrick Cantlay (+2.10)
  2. Rory McIlroy (+1.95)
  3. Tommy Fleetwood (+1.68)
  4. Austin Eckroat (+1.60)
  5. Will Zalatoris (+1.57)

Strokes Gained: Putting (Bermudagrass)

Strokes Gained: Putting has historically graded out as the most important statistic at Quail Hollow. While it isn’t always predictable, I do want to have it in the model to bump up golfers who prefer to putt on Bermudagrass.

Strokes Gained: Putting (Bermudagrass) Over Past 24 Rounds:

  1. Taylor Moore (+0.82)
  2. Nick Dunlap (+.76)
  3. Wyndham Clark (+.69)
  4. Emiliano Grillo (+.64)
  5. Cam Davis (+.61)

Course History

This stat will incorporate players that have played well in the past at Quail Hollow. 

Course History over past 36 rounds (per round):

  1. Rory McIlroy (+2.50)
  2. Justin Thomas (+1.96)
  3. Jason Day (+1.92)
  4. Rickie Fowler (+1.83)
  5. Viktor Hovland (+1.78)

Wells Fargo Championship Model Rankings

Below, I’ve compiled overall model rankings using a combination of the five key statistical categories previously discussed — SG: Approach (27%), SG: Off the Tee (23%), SG: Total on Fazio designs (12%), Proximity: 175-200 (12%), SG: Putting Bermuda grass (12%), and Course History (14%).

  1. Wyndham Clark
  2. Rory McIlroy
  3. Xander Schauffele
  4. Shane Lowry
  5. Hideki Matsuyama
  6. Viktor Hovland 
  7. Cameron Young
  8. Austin Eckroat 
  9. Byeong Hun An
  10. Justin Thomas

2024 Wells Fargo Championship Picks

Tommy Fleetwood +2500 (DraftKings)

I know many out there have Tommy fatigue when it comes to betting, which is completely understandable given his lack of ability to win on the PGA Tour thus far in his career. However, history has shown us that players with Fleetwood’s talent eventually break though, and I believe for Tommy, it’s just a matter of time.

Fleetwood has been excellent on Tom Fazio designs. Over his past 36 rounds, he ranks 3rd in the field in Strokes Gained: Total on Fazio tracks. He’s also been incredibly reliable off the tee this season. He’s gained strokes in the category in eight of his past nine starts, including at The Masters, the PLAYERS and the three “signature events” of the season. Tommy is a golfer built for tougher courses and can grind it out in difficult conditions.

Last year, Fleetwood was the first-round leader at this event, firing a Thursday 65. He finished the event in a tie for 5th place.

For those worried about Fleetwood’s disappointing start his last time out at Harbour Town, he’s bounced back nicely after plenty of poor outings this season. His T7 at the Valero Texas Open was after a MC and T35 in his prior two starts and his win at the Dubai Invitational came after a T47 at the Sentry.

I expect Tommy to bounce back this week and contend at Quail Hollow.

Justin Thomas +3000 (DraftKings)

It’s been a rough couple of years for Justin Thomas, but I don’t believe things are quite as bad as they seem for JT. He got caught in the bad side of the draw at Augusta for last month’s Masters and has gained strokes on approach in seven of his nine starts in 2024. 

Thomas may have found something in his most recent start at the RBC Heritage. He finished T5 at a course that he isn’t the best fit for on paper. He also finally got the putter working and ranked 15th in Strokes Gained: Putting for the week.

The two-time PGA champion captured the first of his two major championships at Quail Hollow back in 2017, and some good vibes from the course may be enough to get JT out of his slump.

Thomas hasn’t won an event in just about two years. However, I still believe that will change soon as he’s been one of the most prolific winners throughout his PGA Tour career. Since 2015, he has 15 PGA Tour wins.

Course history is pretty sticky at Quail Hollow, with players who like the course playing well there on a regular basis. In addition to JT’s PGA Championship win in 2017, he went 4-1 at the 2022 Presidents Cup and finished T14 at the event last year despite being in poor form. Thomas can return as one of the top players on the PGA Tour with a win at a “signature event” this week. 

Cameron Young +3500 (DraftKings)

For many golf bettors, it’s been frustrating backing Cam Young this season. His talent is undeniable, and one of the best and most consistent performers on the PGA Tour. He just hasn’t broken through with a victory yet. Quail Hollow has been a great place for elite players to get their first victory. Rory McIlroy, Anthony Kim, Rickie Fowler and Wyndham Clark all notched their first PGA Tour win at Quail.

Throughout Cam Young’s career, he has thrived at tougher courses with strong fields. This season, he finished T16 at Riviera and T9 at Augusta National, demonstrating his preference of a tough test. His ability to hit the ball long and straight off the tee make him an ideal fit for Quail Hollow, despite playing pretty poorly his first time out in 2023 (T59). Young should be comfortable playing in the region as he played his college golf at Wake Forest, which is about an hour’s drive from Quail Hollow.

The 26-year-old has played well at Tom Fazio designs in the past and ranks 8th in the field in Strokes Gained: Total on those courses in his last 36 rounds. Perhaps most importantly, this season, Young is the best player on the PGA Tour in terms of proximity from 175-200 in the fairway, which is where a plurality and many crucial shots will come from this week.

Young is an elite talent and Quail Hollow has been kind to players of his ilk who’ve yet to win on Tour.

Byeong Hun An +5000 (FanDuel)

Byeong Hun An missed some opportunities last weekend at the CJ Cup Byron Nelson. He finished T4 and played some outstanding golf, but a couple of missed short putts prevented him from getting to the winning score of -23. Despite not getting the win, it’s hard to view An’s performance as anything other than an overwhelming success. It was An’s fourth top-ten finish of the season.

Last week, An gained 6.5 strokes ball striking, which was 7th in the field. He also ranked 12th for Strokes Gained: Approach and 13th for Strokes Gained: Off the Tee. The South Korean has been hitting the ball so well from tee to green all season long and he now heads to a golf course that should reward his precision.

An’s driver and long irons are absolute weapons. At Quail Hollow, players will see plenty of approach shots from the 175-200 range as well as some from 200+. In his past 24 rounds, Ben ranks 3rd in the field in proximity from 175-200 and 12th in proximity from 200+. Playing in an event that will not end up being a “birdie” fest should help An, who can separate from the field with his strong tee to green play. The putter may not always cooperate but getting to -15 is much easier than getting to -23 for elite ball strikers who tend to struggle on the greens.

Winning a “signature event” feels like a tall task for An this week with so many elite players in the field. However, he’s finished T16 at the Genesis Invitational, T16 at The Masters and T8 at the Arnold Palmer Invitational. The 32-year-old’s game has improved drastically this season and I believe he’s ready to get the biggest win of his career.

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19th Hole

Vincenzi’s LIV Golf Singapore betting preview: Course specialist ready to thrive once again



After another strong showing in Australia, LIV Golf will head to Sentosa Golf Club in Singapore looking to build off of what was undoubtedly their best event to date.

Sentosa Golf Club sits on the southern tip of Singapore and is one of the most beautiful courses in the world. The course is more than just incredible scenically; it was also rated 55th in Golf Digest’s top-100 courses in 2022-2023 and has been consistently regarded as one of the best courses in Asia. Prior to being part of the LIV rotation, the course hosted the Singapore Open every year since 2005.

Sentosa Golf Club is a par 71 measuring 7,406 yards. The course will require precise ball striking and some length off the tee. It’s possible to go low due to the pristine conditions, but there are also plenty of hazards and difficult spots on the course that can bring double bogey into play in a hurry. The Bermudagrass greens are perfectly manicured, and the course has spent millions on the sub-air system to keep the greens rolling fast. I spoke to Asian Tour player, Travis Smyth, who described the greens as “the best [he’s] ever played.”

Davis Love III, who competed in a Singapore Open in 2019, also gushed over the condition of the golf course.

“I love the greens. They are fabulous,” the 21-time PGA Tour winner said.

Love III also spoke about other aspects of the golf course.

“The greens are great; the fairways are perfect. It is a wonderful course, and it’s tricky off the tee.”

“It’s a long golf course, and you get some long iron shots. It takes somebody hitting it great to hit every green even though they are big.”

As Love III said, the course can be difficult off the tee due to the length of the course and the trouble looming around every corner. It will take a terrific ball striking week to win at Sentosa Golf Club.

In his pre-tournament press conference last season, Phil Mickelson echoed many of the same sentiments.

“To play Sentosa effectively, you’re going to have a lot of shots from 160 to 210, a lot of full 6-, 7-, 8-iron shots, and you need to hit those really well and you need to drive the ball well.”

Golfers who excel from tee to green and can dial in their longer irons will have a massive advantage this week.

Stat Leaders at LIV Golf Adelaide:

Fairways Hit

1.) Louis Oosthuizen

2.) Anirban Lahiri

3.) Jon Rahm

4.) Brendan Steele

5.) Cameron Tringale

Greens in Regulation

1.) Brooks Koepka

2.) Brendan Steele

3.) Dean Burmester

4.) Cameron Tringale

5.) Anirban Lahiri

Birdies Made

1.) Brendan Steele

2.) Dean Burmester

3.) Thomas Pieters

4.) Patrick Reed

5.) Carlos Ortiz

LIV Golf Individual Standings:

1.) Joaquin Niemann

2.) Jon Rahm

3.) Dean Burmester

4.) Louis Oosthuizen

5.) Abraham Ancer

LIV Golf Team Standings:

1.) Crushers

2.) Legion XIII

3.) Torque

4.) Stinger GC

5.) Ripper GC

LIV Golf Singapore Picks

Sergio Garcia +3000 (DraftKings)

Sergio Garcia is no stranger to Sentosa Golf Club. The Spaniard won the Singapore Open in 2018 by five strokes and lost in a playoff at LIV Singapore last year to scorching hot Talor Gooch. Looking at the course setup, it’s no surprise that a player like Sergio has played incredible golf here. He’s long off the tee and is one of the better long iron players in the world when he’s in form. Garcia is also statistically a much better putter on Bermudagrass than he is on other putting surfaces. He’s putt extremely well on Sentosa’s incredibly pure green complexes.

This season, Garcia has two runner-up finishes, both of them being playoff losses. Both El Camaleon and Doral are courses he’s had success at in his career. The Spaniard is a player who plays well at his tracks, and Sentosa is one of them. I believe Sergio will get himself in the mix this week. Hopefully the third time is a charm in Singapore.

Paul Casey +3300 (FanDuel)

Paul Casey is in the midst of one of his best seasons in the five years or so. The results recently have been up and down, but he’s shown that when he’s on a golf course that suits his game, he’s amongst the contenders.

This season, Casey has finishes of T5 (LIV Las Vegas), T2 (LIV Hong Kong), and a 6th at the Singapore Classic on the DP World Tour. At his best, the Englishman is one of the best long iron players in the world, which makes him a strong fit for Sentosa. Despite being in poor form last season, he was able to fire a Sunday 63, which shows he can low here at the course.

It’s been three years since Casey has won a tournament (Omega Dubai Desert Classic in 2021), but he’s been one of the top players on LIV this season and I think he can get it done at some point this season.

Mito Pereira +5000 (Bet365)

Since Mito Pereira’s unfortunate demise at the 2022 PGA Championship, he’s been extremely inconsistent. However, over the past few months, the Chilean has played well on the International Series as well as his most recent LIV start. Mito finished 8th at LIV Adelaide, which was his best LIV finish this season.

Last year, Pereira finished 5th at LIV Singapore, shooting fantastic rounds of 67-66-66. It makes sense why Mito would like Sentosa, as preeminent ball strikers tend to rise to the challenge of the golf course. He’s a great long iron player who is long and straight off the tee.

Mito has some experience playing in Asia and is one of the most talented players on LIV who’s yet to get in the winner’s circle. I have questions about whether or not he can come through once in contention, but if he gets there, I’m happy to roll the dice.

Andy Ogletree +15000 (DraftKings)

Andy Ogletree is a player I expected to have a strong 2024 but struggled early in his first full season on LIV. After failing to crack the top-25 in any LIV event this year, the former U.S. Amateur champion finally figured things out, finished in a tie for 3rd at LIV Adelaide.

Ogletree should be incredible comfortable playing in Singapore. He won the International Series Qatar last year and finished T3 at the International Series Singapore. The 26-year-old was arguably the best player on the Asian Tour in 2023 and has been fantastic in the continent over the past 18 months.

If Ogletree has indeed found form, he looks to be an amazing value at triple-digit odds.

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Opinion & Analysis

Ryan: Lessons from the worst golf instructor in America



In Tampa, there is a golf course that boasts carts that do not work, a water range, and a group of players none of which have any chance to break 80. The course is overseen by a staff of crusty men who have succeeded at nothing in life but ending up at the worst-run course in America. However, this place is no failure. With several other local courses going out of business — and boasting outstanding greens — the place is booked full.

While I came for the great greens, I stayed to watch our resident instructor; a poor-tempered, method teacher who caters to the hopeless. At first, it was simply hilarious. However, after months of listening and watching, something clicked. I realized I had a front-row seat to the worst golf instructor in America.

Here are some of my key takeaways.

Method Teacher

It is widely accepted that there are three types of golf instructors: system teachers, non-system teachers, and method teachers. Method teachers prescribe the same antidote for each student based on a preamble which teachers can learn in a couple day certification.

Method teaching allows anyone to be certified. This process caters to the lowest caliber instructor, creating the illusion of competency. This empowers these underqualified instructors with the moniker of “certified” to prey on the innocent and uninformed.

The Cult of Stack and Jilt

The Stack and Tilt website proudly boasts, “A golfer swings his hands inward in the backswing as opposed to straight back to 1) create power, similar to a field goal kicker moving his leg in an arc and 2) to promote a swing that is in-to-out, which produces a draw (and eliminates a slice).”

Now, let me tell you something, there is this law of the universe which says “energy can either be created or destroyed,” so either these guys are defying physics or they have no idea what they are taking about. Further, the idea that the first move of the backswing determines impact is conjecture with a splash of utter fantasy.

These are the pontifications of a method — a set of prescriptions applied to everyone with the hope of some success through the placebo effect. It is one thing for a naive student to believe, for a golf instructor to drink and then dispel this Kool-Aid is malpractice.

Fooled by Randomness

In flipping a coin, or even a March Madness bet, there is a 50-50 chance of success. In golf, especially for new players, results are asymmetric. Simply put: Anything can happen. The problem is that when bad instructors work with high handicappers, each and every shot gets its own diagnosis and prescription. Soon the student is overwhelmed.

Now here’s the sinister thing: The overwhelming information is by design. In this case, the coach is not trying to make you better, they are trying to make you reliant on them for information. A quasi Stockholm syndrome of codependency.


One of the most important scientists of the 20th century was Ivan Pavlov. As you might recall, he found that animals, including humans, could be conditioned into biological responses. In golf, the idea of practice has made millions of hackers salivate that they are one lesson or practice session from “the secret.”

Sunk Cost

The idea for the worst golf instructor is to create control and dependency so that clients ignore the sunk cost of not getting better. Instead, they are held hostage by the idea that they are one lesson or tip away from unlocking their potential.


Cliches have the effect of terminating thoughts. However, they are the weapon of choice for this instructor. Add some hyperbole and students actually get no information. As a result, these players couldn’t play golf. When they did, they had no real scheme. With no idea what they are doing, they would descend into a spiral of no idea what to do, bad results, lower confidence, and running back to the lesson tee from more cliches.

The fact is that poor instruction is about conditioning players to become reliant members of your cult. To take away autonomy. To use practice as a form of control. To sell more golf lessons not by making people better but through the guise that without the teacher, the student can never reach their full potential. All under the umbrella of being “certified” (in a 2-day course!) and a melee of cliches.

This of course is not just happening at my muni but is a systemic problem around the country and around the world, the consequences of which are giving people a great reason to stop playing golf. But hey, at least it’s selling a lot of golf balls…

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