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Tiger, on all fours, finishes second at The Barclays



Tiger Woods’ lack of transparency with the media is nothing new, but a neck and back injury that began Wednesday morning (one that he said was caused by a soft hotel mattress, he said) seems to be more serious than Tiger was letting on.

The winces and backstretches from earlier this week at The Barclays escalated to agony and spasms late in the final round, but the No.1-ranked golfer in the world still managed a second-place finish — a final-round 69 that was just inches short of tying Adam Scott’s winning score of 11-under.

Woods dropped to his knees in pain on his second shot into the par-five 13th hole as his ball headed dead left into an algae-covered water hazard 40 yards left of the green. The misfire led to a bogey, and he proceeded gingerly for the remainder of his round, awkwardly squatting instead of bending at the waist as he picked up his golf ball from the holes.

[youtube id=”CXr44z1OUUI” width=”620″ height=”360″]

In a post-round interview, Tiger said the pain started on No. 12, but it was accentuated by the 250-yard approach shot where he crumbled to the ground. When asked if back spasms were the cause of his discomfort, he answered “Oh yeah, big time, it’s definitely spasming.”

As Tiger was struggling to walk, his playing competitors were struggling to make pars. But despite his physical pain and mid-round hiccups, he remained within eyesight of the lead with birdies on Nos. 16 and 17.

Woods failed to birdie the 18th hole, leaving his birdie bid from the fringe just a few inches short of the hole. The missed putt left him one shot short of Adam Scott, who shot a 4-under 66 to win his first PGA Tour Playoffs event and put him in the winner’s circle for the first time since this year’s Masters.

“That’s all hypothetical,” Tiger said to a question about his health moving forward. “I’m not feeling my best right now.”

Although he failed to complete a Sunday charge, Woods retains the points lead in the FedExCup standings as the top-100 players advance to the Deutsche Bank Championship next week in Boston. With three tournaments still to play in the FedExCup playoffs, Tiger’s health will clearly have an impact in his chase for the $10 million prize.

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He played on the Hawaii Pacific University Men's Golf team and earned a Masters degree in Communications. He also played college golf at Rutgers University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.



  1. Socorr4

    Aug 26, 2013 at 9:04 pm

    While the Tiger haters jump on him and Adam basks in the victory that even he didn’t expect–prophetic words from Mickelson that the guys in the last groups would have trouble scoring due to the hard-baked greens and increasing winds–let’s not forget that a 16 year old youngster defended her title by winning the Canadian Womens’ Open by 5 strokes and shot 6 under in the final round. Congratulations are certainly due to Ms. Ko for her stunning play during four days.

    • james

      Aug 27, 2013 at 3:40 am

      Take it to the Ko article.

      That’s right I’m a KO HATER.

    • Fred

      Aug 27, 2013 at 2:13 pm

      Dito – she’s a well-rounded kid whose parents are keeping her grounded. Meanwhile, I wish those idiots on The Golf Channel would shut up about how much money she’s losing by not going pro.

  2. snowman0157

    Aug 26, 2013 at 8:30 pm

    Tiger is many things…. I don’t think he is an ‘injury faker’. He does now seem to be prone to these nagging things and that may not bode well in his chase to beat Jack’s record of major wins. All these things add up and may really wear on him mentally as well as physically. Even though he is in “great shape”, the injuries seem to be frequent over the last few years.

  3. Stanley

    Aug 26, 2013 at 8:00 pm

    Tiger loves to turn it on for the sympathy. If the pain is that bad stop and get off.

  4. Annie

    Aug 26, 2013 at 7:28 pm

    And not to mention what a pig he is, spitting on the green & cursing so we can all hear it. He is a faker! I agree with a previous writer, the pain doesn’t only come when he makes a bad shot. I know from experience as one with 3 fusions in my spine.
    Golf will be a better game, back to a “gentlemen’s game” when he we do not have to see/hear him any more!

    • TWShoot67

      Aug 26, 2013 at 7:55 pm

      All the people who don’t want to see him play sure must be in a small pile because I was at the event and you had a final group who were lucky to have 100 people following their group but Tiger had 10’s of thousands. People must really not like watching Tiger play golf. He’s really ruined the game of golf. His piers would highly disagree with you. Unless your name is Rory Sabatini then maybe your right. lol PGA players are making 30 x’s more then they did before the Tiger Woods era, this all because of TIGER WOODS and what he’s brought to the game. all you people who like to think Arnold, Jack and Tom were all so pure of virtue are highly misguided. They did just as much or not more of bad things like cheating on their wives, only problem is there was no instant media coverage and newspaper reporters hid all formerly mentioned players transgressions back in the earlier era of golf when it was oh so pure! None of them ever spit they only had the disgusting smoking cigarette habit, that really taught the younger generation oh so well about health.

      • james

        Aug 27, 2013 at 3:38 am

        one of the funnier replies. kudos to you my man.

      • Fred

        Aug 27, 2013 at 5:47 pm

        TW: They follow Tiger because he’s a winner. The only people who don’t like winners are losers.

  5. Roll the Dice

    Aug 26, 2013 at 7:04 pm

    Who really cares, Tiger Woods is finished:) What a faker and a crybaby and Tiger finished in a tie for 2nd get it right and quit trying to shove him up the leaderboard like tv does……makes me sick other people do play golf and are a lot more dominate now…..i could go on and on but u Tiger lovers will get upset…….he is DONE, no more Majors!

    • Borss

      Aug 26, 2013 at 7:28 pm

      5 Wins this season. He’s finished…..

    • TWShoot67

      Aug 26, 2013 at 7:45 pm

      Please enlighten all of us as to who’s more dominating then Tiger Woods…. i’d really like you to tell me for real who’s got 5 wins this year on tour ? Excuse me but I’ll answer that one for you. NO ONE! Please go on and one to who has more career wins who has more majors oh please explain this I want to be entertained by a true hater.

      • Fred

        Aug 27, 2013 at 2:10 pm

        TW: You’re right. The one thing going for Tiger that the others don’t have is consistency. Granted, it’s been a while since Tiger won a major, but so what. He wins more in one year than most pros do in a lifetime. I’m happy for the guys who won majors this year, but what have they done since? Yeah, Scott was finally in contention again. What’s Rose done since, or Duff and Phil. By the way, for all those who are ragging on Tiger for his supposed “fake” back injury – I suppose he’s taking the week off and risking his ranking in the FedEx standings so he can spend more time learning how to ski from his girlfriend.

    • Fred

      Aug 27, 2013 at 5:46 pm

      Interesting comment. Other people are more dominate than Tiger now? Who’s been more dominate than Tiger this year? Tiger’s won five, while the most anyone else has won is two. Most pros on the tour right now, including the senior tour, have never won more than five times their entire career. Tiger plays better with a bum knee that needs surgery than most healthy players do.

  6. Chris Downing

    Aug 26, 2013 at 5:09 pm

    Oops – guys – wrong thread – see the one about Justin and Paulina

    • Steve

      Aug 27, 2013 at 1:15 pm

      Dustin and Paulina. And her dad isn’t just some hockey player, he’s the best one that has ever played the sport.

  7. Chris Downing

    Aug 26, 2013 at 5:06 pm

    What is so interesting from my perspective is from here in the UK, we have absolutely no idea who she is or what she has done. When I look it up she seems to be the daughter of a hockey player, whom I have also never heard of, and has done some modelling and stuff – so still no someone we are ever likely to hear about anytime soon. So she is someone who is marrying Justin. Not exactly a great golf story then….

    • Dave

      Aug 26, 2013 at 5:56 pm

      Her father was better at hockey then Tiger Woods, Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicholas put together at golf. Google Wayne Gretzky and you’ll see.

  8. Scott

    Aug 26, 2013 at 4:07 pm

    For someone who supposedly works out all the time and is in such great shape compared to other players on the tour Tiger sure is hurt a lot. Maybe he should start hanging out with Daley and relax a little bit. Or, stay away from Lindsay. She’s probably beating the crap out of him back in the hotel room….ahem

    • Fred

      Aug 27, 2013 at 1:59 pm

      Scott: I hear you. Maybe he and Derek Jeter need to find a new trainer 🙂

  9. Scott

    Aug 26, 2013 at 4:06 pm

    OH THE DRAAAAAMA! Why is everything SOOO dramatic with Tiger? The media doesnt help either. Always ALL about Tiger. Yawn….

  10. james

    Aug 26, 2013 at 10:43 am

    Tiger is such a faker! I have had some pretty severe back spasms and have a constant low-level pain due to scoliosis, so I know what he’s dealing with, but c’mon. The back pain should be there all the time, not just on the bad shots. Don’t 14 year-olds do that kind of stuff?

    • JB

      Aug 26, 2013 at 12:47 pm

      Has anyone ever thought the reason he hit that bad shot and did the fall was because of the spasm? Instead of calling him a “faker”, I’d call him a man for playing and fighting through the pain. Most of today’s professional athletes sit out due to the most insignificant injuries. Tiger sacked up and played a damn good round. I’d LOVE to see some of you play that good, with or without an injury.

      • james

        Aug 27, 2013 at 3:35 am

        I’d call him a man for having the appropriate anatomy.

        Of course people perceive that he hit the bad shot on 13 because of a spasm- that’s what he WANTS us to think. Can ya point out a few really good shots where he flopped around on all fours afterward?

        Tiger is the biggest man-baby out there. The lucky ones are smart enough to see through the hysterics.

  11. Double C

    Aug 26, 2013 at 8:37 am


  12. Cole

    Aug 26, 2013 at 8:24 am

    Has anyone ever noticed that tiger only looks like he is in pain after he hits a bad shot. If he hits a good one, he acts perfectly normal. As soon as he snaphooked that five wood, he saw it hooking, and then he fell to the ground. Just a thought.

    • Jeff

      Aug 26, 2013 at 11:46 am

      I don’t doubt he was hurting. But I agree, he does seem to show the signs after a bad shot.
      Kind of like the sprinter who fakes a hamstring injury when he knows he can’t win.

    • Jeff

      Aug 26, 2013 at 2:02 pm

      He looked like he in pain after all the full shots after the par 3 14… Look at his expressions after the approach shots on 16, 17 and 18. Those were all good shots and still he was grimacing.

    • don from AL

      Aug 27, 2013 at 5:10 pm

      I thought the delay after the shot/follow through was Tiger’s seeing that what he had started left was going “lefter” and then he fell from disappointment as much as pain.

      I’ve seen defensive backs who gave up the long ball do that.

    • Kelly

      Aug 28, 2013 at 9:43 pm

      You are bang on my friend. Yes but he was ok to see where the ball went. I’m in agony on my knees but I think i will look up to see the golf ball. Gee whiz it’s ok when I hit it good.

  13. Steve

    Aug 25, 2013 at 9:47 pm

    At this point, isn’t it pretty much guaranteed he’ll be in the top 5 going into the last tournament? He should just take some time off to rest it for the championship if that’s the case…

    • Fred

      Aug 26, 2013 at 4:51 pm

      Steve: an excellent point. Not sure if he’ll do what you suggest, but agree that he should take some much-needed healing time into consideration

  14. Joe

    Aug 25, 2013 at 8:21 pm

    Tiger exaggerates everything… When he’s winning it’s expected in his attitude ( good quality for any pro) but when he comes close to a win he leans on his mild everyday injury as a crutch and exaggerates the pain face, almost in a way like “I coulda won if”… he takes away from other tour pros wins by doing this stuff, its all an excuse he can lean on to avoid being a man and owning the fact that he wasn’t the best today… I would love to one day hear in a post round interview tiger own the fact that he just didn’t have it, so and so was better today, and congrats to whomever

    • Jack

      Aug 25, 2013 at 10:23 pm

      I think he’s congratulated other players on their wins in the past. He’s not a sore loser. If you’ve ever tried to play golf with a sore anything, you’ll know it screws up your tempo. He looked like his body rotation was not in sync with his arms. I’m not sure if it was due to his back, but that’s what it looked like that caused the hook.

      BTW, how come he didn’t have to re hit that shot? if it’s line extended no closer to the hole, I’m not sure how he could have dropped the ball anywhere.

    • Santiago Golf

      Aug 25, 2013 at 11:53 pm

      I would have to say no. Tiger is not the person to lie about something like an injury. He may lie how he got it, but not how bad it is. If you read hanky haneys book, the big miss, you will understand how hard tiger goes in workouts and you understand he gets injured so much

      • Chris

        Aug 26, 2013 at 11:24 am

        Hank also said in his book not to believe anything Tiger said in press conferences. Tiger would often say the opposite of what he really thought.

        • Fred

          Aug 26, 2013 at 3:50 pm

          Hank also lost a lot of credibility within the golf community when he did his tell-all book about Tiger. The book was simply a means to make some quick bucks at Tiger’s expense. I don’t recall anything like it coming out from Butch Harmon.

    • Ja Marcus

      Aug 26, 2013 at 4:23 am

      I’m sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about. If you have never had back spasms, you absolutely have no idea how debilitating they are. I have had torn ligaments, broken bones, and have suffered back spasms during athletic competitions (the formers requiring surgery), and of the 3, only the back spasms sidelined me in my tracks. I watched the tournament paying attention to Tiger’s body language, especially his reactions to his swings, and their is no doubt his back spasms were legit. It is so annoying to me to see how comfortable people are with displaying their lack knowledge on topics they don’t understand and freely display their ignorance for the world to see.

      • Rich

        Aug 26, 2013 at 10:00 am

        Ja Marcus, I think you’ve missed Joe’s point. He’s not saying back spasms aren’t bad. He’s saying Tiger exaggerates his injuries. I tend to agree with him. You can’t call him out on his experience with back pain or lack of, he was trying to make a point about Tiger’s honesty, not his injuries. Your post is assuming Tiger is telling the truth about his pain level….Joe is saying he’s full of it. I think Tiger’s ex-wife might agree with him.

      • Kelly

        Aug 28, 2013 at 9:39 pm

        You are wrong Tiger is a big phony. If your back really goes into a spasm there is no way you would be able to look up to see where the ball is going. How convenient that Tiger’s is after a bad shot. Yet while on his knees in pain he can still look to see the shot. I don’t think so. Perhaps an acting job down the road. He sure has some people fooled. Well the blonds anyway.

    • Fred

      Aug 26, 2013 at 3:44 pm

      Obviously you haven’t listened to very many interviews with Tiger after he’s lost. I’ve heard him say on many occasions that he played poorly. I also seem to recall when Tiger won a major and could barely walk. I guess he faked the surgery he had right after the tournament, too.

    • Chris

      Aug 26, 2013 at 7:34 pm


    • TWShoot67

      Aug 26, 2013 at 7:39 pm

      So another words you feel he was faking his injury, but beat around the bush with you verbi
      age as you claim tiger does to not give any other credit. Guess you don’t watch too many interviews where he gives all kinds of other players credit on tour.

  15. Ghost of Perry Maxwell

    Aug 25, 2013 at 7:16 pm

    Actually he finished Tied for 2nd.

    Good showing nevertheless

    • M

      Aug 25, 2013 at 7:40 pm

      If it’s only back muscle spasms, with some rest, ice, and anti-inflammatories, he should be good to go. From personal experience, it is incredibly uncomfortable and unpleasant, but the appropriate treatment should fix the issue

      If it’s a disc or something else like that. Totally different story.

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Spotted: Phil Mickelson testing Callaway’s mini driver



There is some serious equipment testing going on at Pinehurst’s legendary No. 2 course before the 2024 U.S. Open starts! We spotted renowned club tinkerer Phil Mickelson on the range with a new setup. He was testing out the new Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Ti 340 Mini Driver with a new Mitsubishi Diamana BB (Blue Board) shaft.

Phil has long been a mini driver/2-wood/strong 3-wood guy, as he was the inspiration for the Callaway “Phranken Wood” about 10 years ago. For many pros, adding a strong 3-wood or mini driver allows them to turn it over easier and add a more consistent draw to their bag off the tee without losing too much distance.

Mitsubishi’s Diamana BB is the newest mid-launch shaft in the Diamana line. The “BB” on the shaft of course references the iconic Blue Board shafts from 20 years ago and this model will have a similar smooth feel.


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Photos from the 2024 U.S. Open



GolfWRX is live this week from the third major of the season: the U.S. Open at historic Pinehurst No. 2.

Qualifier WITBs are the stars the the show so far — along with in-hand looks at what Tiger Woods and Bryson DeChambeau are playing.

Check back throughout the week as we continue to add more galleries.  

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Why Wyndham Clark is playing a brand-new driver and an old putter this week



Editor’s note: This is an excerpt of an article originally filed for’s Equipment Report by our Andrew Tursky. Read the full piece here. 

At the top end of the bag, Clark is set to change into Titleist’s new GT2 driver during the first week it’s being made available to PGA TOUR players. On Monday, Titleist officially unveiled its new lineup of GT drivers and fairway woods, and Clark plans to become one of the early adopters of the new technology as competition begins on Thursday at Muirfield Village Golf Club.

Interestingly, Clark was relatively late to make a permanent switch into the company’s previous TSR3 driver. Although the TSR drivers first launched in 2022, Clark was back-and-forth with the 2020 TSi3 driver and the 2022 TSR3 driver until the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am in 2024.

On Wednesday, caught up with Clark to get his take on the new GT2 driver, and why he’s switching so quickly.

“It’s faster (than my previous TSR3),” Clark said. “I felt like I got 2-3 mph more ball speed, which is amazing. And it has really consistent spin, which is obviously huge for what we do out here.”

…On the bottom end of the bag, Clark will likely play his first event since 2023 without an Odyssey Jailbird putter in the bag.

In case you forgot, Clark and Rickie Fowler were the trendsetters who brought the 2014 Odyssey Versa Jailbird back to the forefront of the golf market in 2023. Clark then switched into the upgraded Odyssey Ai Jailbird during the week of his win at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am.

This week, however, Clark is going back in time, switching into a PXG prototype mallet that he used in 2022.

Read the full piece at

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