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Lexi Thompson violates Rules of Golf at Indy Women in Tech Championship



During the third round of the Indy Women in Tech Championship, Lexi Thompson unknowingly ran afoul of the Rules of Golf.

Preferred lies–AKA lift, clean, and place–were in effect at soggy Brickyard Crossing. Thompson hit her drive at the par-5 10th hole wide right. It settled in the sixth fairway. Believing she was allowed to lift and clean any ball in the fairway, Thompson began to do so.

The rule, of course, only applies to balls that settle in one’s own fairway. Fortunately for Thompson, an official saw what was happening and stepped in to administer a penalty.

“Thankfully, Marty [the official] intervened before she hit her next shot,” Golf Channel’s Kay Cockerill reported. “Otherwise, she would have been hitting from the wrong spot, and it would have been a two-shot penalty. So, in a sense, it saved her a shot.”

The LPGA issued this statement.

“While playing the third round of the 2018 Indy Women in Tech Championship, Lexi Thompson incurred a one-stroke penalty for breach of the preferred lies local Rule (Appendix IA Part 3b Course Conditions).”

“The Committee adopted the preferred lies local Rule due to the turf conditions of the golf course after receiving over an inch of rain. The LPGA, under the local Rule, restricts the player from preferring her lie when her ball lies in a closely-mown area of a hole other than the one being played.”

“During the play of hole #10, Thompson’s tee shot came to rest in the fairway of hole #6. As Thompson’s ball lay on the fairway of hole #6, she was not entitled to prefer her lie.”

“She preferred her lie in breach of the local Rule but prior to playing her stroke from a wrong place (Rule 20-7), she was questioned by a Rules official regarding her actions. As she had not played her stroke from the preferred spot, she did not receive the general penalty of two-strokes under the local Rule. However, she did incur a one-stroke penalty under Rule 18-2 for lifting her ball at rest without authority.”

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19th Hole

Report: Rory McIlroy’s divorce petition from wife Erica voluntarily dismissed



After reports emerged last month that Rory McIlroy and his wife, Erica, were in the process of a divorce, it appears that the couple has mended fences.

According to The Guardian, the divorce petition that Rory filed in court last month has been voluntarily dismissed.

McIlroy told The Guardian, “There have been rumours about my personal life recently, which is unfortunate. Responding to each rumour is a fool’s game.”

“Over the past weeks, Erica and I have realised that our best future was as a family together. Thankfully, we have resolved our differences and look forward to a new beginning.”

McIlroy now seems fully focused on capturing his elusive 5th major championship this week at Pinehurst No. 2.

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LIV Golf star says he deserves to be in U.S. Open as he is ‘one of the best players in the world right now’



Last week, Mexican Carlos Ortiz emerged victorious at LIV Houston. The win was his second in Houston as a professional, as he won the Vivint Houston Open on the PGA Tour back in 2020.

After his brilliant performance, Ortiz said he believes he should be playing in this week’s U.S. Open at Pinehurst No. 2, despite missing out on qualifying.

“I’ve been playing great. It’s a shame I doubled the last hole to miss the qualifier. It hurt a lot.”

The 33-year-old then referred to himself as “one of the best players in the world right now”.

“I think with time, we’re going to get back into the Majors because I know that I’m one of the best players in the world right now, and I deserve to be there. But the way things are happening right now, it’s kind of hard.”

Ortiz came agonizingly close to qualifying in Dallas last week but made double bogey on his last hole to fall out of the potential spot.

Carlos will tee it up next at LIV Nashville in two weeks.

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Jon Rahm in race against time for U.S. Open after worrying update following toe injury



LIV Golf star Jon Rahm was forced to withdraw from the second round of LIV Houston last week due to a toe injury.

The injury appeared to be painful for the Spaniard, who apparently had a cut which turned to an infection between his toes.

After he was visibly in pain on Friday during the round, Rahm attempted to play on Saturday and made it six holes prior to withdrawing.

According to “Ten Golf”, Rahm was not on the grounds of Pinehurst No. 2 for the U.S. Open on Monday and is not expected to arrive Tuesday either.

Rahm has struggled in the majors this season. He finished T45 at the Masters and missed the cut at the PGA Championship.

It’s still unclear whether or not he will attempt to play in the U.S. Open.

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