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Buyer Beware




Just like many of us here at this site, we enjoy trying to build our mini collections of golf equipment and trinkets that we deem necessary or desirable. Many times we spend ungodly amounts of money for golf stuff that never even touched the hands of anyone famous in the golf world. Other times, we get the special opportunity to obtain something tangible that once belonged to a John Daly, Tiger Woods, Bobby Jones or Nick Faldo.

Enter one Mr. Henry Campbell. Henry, like many golf fans, was lured in by some very collectible Nick Faldo golf memorabilia items that he discovered for sale on the internet. Sometimes, these types of deals just seem too good to be true. In this case, at least in the short term, they were true. As time unraveled , these expensive and highly collectible items, honestly purchased by Henry were fleeting and on their way back to their original and rightful owner.

Many of you, if you surf golf related or putter related websites with any regularity, may already know of Henry’s sad story. It’s a costly one for sure. So, before you drop your last two weeks paycheck on that sweet Scotty Cameron prototype putter that some tour player had owned for a time or even gamed on tour, buyer beware.

Most of us are just average golf joes, just searching for that little bit of golf history or a certain golf collectible that catches our eye and at the same time trying to hide that same expensive purchase from the wife. Heck, even tour pros covet some of these types of golf items. Take Davis Love III for example in a story published on Davis even admits he would like to own Tiger Woods’ putter. In fact, who wouldn’t like to? A man of his means freely admits, he can’t fathom dropping that kind of coin for that flatstick. Davis said, “I’ve paid over $1,000 for putters,” Love said. “I’m caught up with it, too. I’m buying Brad Faxon’s and Ben Curtis’ and David Duval’s. I can’t afford Tiger’s. Too expensive. They’ll go 8, 10, 12,000 bucks. They had one set they were trying to get $29,000 for the set of four of them or something.” So, just like us, Davis spends his evenings drooling over Cameron putters that he views on eBay, of all places. “Type in Scotty Cameron on eBay,” Love said. “You’ll be shocked. Shocked. There’ll be sometimes over 1,000 items.” However, Davis gets a lot of really sweet putter swag just for gaming a Scotty. In fact, I would bet the farm he could get Scotty to make him anything he wants with a simple call on the cell phone. Heck, he might even have Scotty’s number in his phone. The rest of us? We have to bust out the cash via different channels, and none as direct as Davis Love III has.

Which leads me back to Henry’s plight. Henry purchased a lot of Nick Faldo’s personal stash of golf equipment, as well as some of Nick’s personal golf memorabilia.

Read on as I interviewed Henry about this whole debacle. You see, all of this stuff, which was legitimately purchased, was purportedly stolen from Nick Faldo, thus tossing a huge monkey wrench into Henry’s prized and very expensive golf collection. I spoke with Henry via e-mail and he answered some questions about having to give up a collection that he paid over $20,000 dollars for. The next time you go to purchase something collectible and expensive, think twice about creating a webpage and sharing it all with the world. Honest buyers might just be better off keeping these said purchases to themselves and the basement carpet.

How did you get into collecting golf equipment and such?

I have played golf for 20 years and always liked putters in particular. After I got my first Cameron about 5 years ago, I soon discovered there was a big collector’s scene, so I started to follow some of the websites. I then got my first limited edition, then a second and it all exploded from there. After a year or so, I decided I was most interested in real tour putters, so I started to focus on those.

Where did you make the majority of your purchases?

To begin, on eBay, but later more through direct contact with collectors via various websites. The Nick Faldo putters started on eBay too. By chance, I played at a corporate golf event the Monday following the 2006 WGC event in the UK at the course it was played. Nick Faldo was the host and played a hole with each group. He had an old Del Mar 3.5 in his bag, which I liked the look of. About 3 weeks later a black DM 3.5 appeared on ebay and the seller said it was Faldo’s. I contacted the seller and asked if he would send it for authentication to Scotty if I won it. I won it, he sent it and Scotty authenticated it as Faldo’s. The seller then contacted me and told me he had some more stuff, and over the next number of months I bought a bunch more putters as well as some memorabilia.

Name several of the items that you really liked in your collection?

I liked the signed Open 2000 menu (see pic on email), and the following putters:

Del Mar 3.5

Classic V TeI3 proto

S. Cameron Del Mar 3

But a bunch of them, say 8 or 9 were really nice pieces and worthy of a place in any collection.

How did you come to find out you had unknowingly purchased Nick Faldo’s personal items?

I was in the United States on business and got a call on my cell phone from Nick Faldo’s manager. He told me the putters had been stolen, along with other stuff from Faldo’s home in Florida.

How were they stolen from him?

There is a dispute about whether they were actually stolen. The best information I have is that the putters were given to a contractor as partial payment for work done on the property. A former Nick Faldo employee handled this arrangement. Nick Faldo later disputed that he had agreed to this.

The story may not be as simple as I was first informed. I now know that these putters were in his garage and were all tarnished and some were corroded, and needed repair or even restoration. I now doubt these were really part of his “special collections” which were mostly in his A/C den. Some of the special collection were also stolen, but I never saw any of those.

Did his manager or agent stumble across your website?

No idea. Nor how they got my phone number, but I suspect it was from Scotty Cameron, because I sent all the putters to Cameron for authentication and he must have noticed the large number of Faldo putters coming through.

What were your options when you found out the stuff was “hot”?

I live in the United Kingdom, and the alleged theft occurred in the US. The most obvious option was to do nothing and wait for the legal process to complete. Given the international nature of the events, I would imagine there may be some complicated processes involved in retrieving them if I had been unwilling to give them up voluntarily.

Was there any additional contact with the individual that sold you the stolen items?

Yes. I contacted him and he told me how he had obtained them, which he believed was in good faith.

What did Nick Faldo decide to allow you to keep?

I returned about 15 putters to Nick, the Open menu and a couple of money clips and divot tools. Faldo eventually (about 9 months later) returned 3 putters, none of which were among my favorites. I contacted the manager to say I was disappointed, and he told me they would send some other collectible stuff to me. Nothing arrived, even after a reminder.

Are you still a golf collector, or have you decided not to engage in these types of items?

I am so sickened by the whole event I have decided to give up collecting and I am part way through selling my collection.

Were the authorities involved, or too busy to investigate such a crime?

I provided a lot of information to the Winter Park Police Department, and agreed to give an affadavit, but I have not been asked to do so. I believe the contractor is facing charges of grand larceny and is due in court this month.

How quickly were you expected to return the items to Nick Faldo?

I was not expected to return them – I did so voluntarily as an upstanding and honest citizen. I have been rather disappointed with Faldo’s manager and lawyer’s support. They have been more concerned with ensuring that Faldo is not portrayed as a bad guy than anything else. I asked them whether the items stolen were insured, but received no answer.

Approximately how much money did you lose in this endeavor?

A bit over $20,000 cost, but very probably $30,000+ in resale value.

I can’t help but think that Henry got the shaft here. I sent an e-mail to Nick Faldo’s representative and quite honestly, I did not expect a return reply. Much to my chagrin, he did reply, but he didn’t really offer any information or even answer the questions that I asked. This was the extent of the Faldo press office’s reply, “In response to your email, Nick had a number of items of memorabilia stolen – not only putters, the list also included highly prized personal effects spanning his 30 year golf career. All of the stolen goods were sentimentally valuable to Nick and irreplaceable. The matter was referred to the police and a conviction has now been secured. As far as Nick is concerned, the matter has now been laid to rest.” Me? I was hoping that Nick Faldo’s press office would be willing to give me some more specific details on the theft, the accused (who was later convicted), but I guess they chose not to share this information with me.

Since Nick Faldo got all of his stuff back, and because one Henry Campbell was completely above board and honest, it is laid to rest on Nick’s end. On Henry’s end he is over $20K poorer and with very, very little to show for it. Understandably, Henry is quite soured by the whole circumstance and even more soured that according to Henry Campbell , Nick Faldo did not uphold his end of the bargain to allow him to keep more stuff, or even provide him with some sort of monetary compensation. Or better yet, with all of Nick’s golf connections, hook up Henry with some cool tour putters, that probably wouldn’t cost Nick a dime to obtain. Henry went way beyond what most people would even do; especially after spending over $20K on what he thought were honest golf purchases for his collection.

Henry is an honest man and he says, “the main point I would make is that I gave these back 100% voluntarily, based on it’s the right thing to do.” Nick Faldo’s manager then promised me that Nick Faldo would show his gratitude. Not sure that I have seen it yet.

This sounds like an extremely tangled web, and it is not my intention as the author of this story to paint a poor picture of Mr. Faldo. I would just like this story to air so that the rest of us “average joes” with some money burning a hole in our pocket don’t waste our last hard earned dollar buying a stolen, used on tour, collectible putter. I personally own several Scotty putters myself, my prized one being the Inspired by David Duval putter which I will never part with. Hopefully David Duval doesn’t contact me wanting it back. Seriusly though, the whole Scotty Cameron collecting scene, no matter how cool it is to many people, has a darker side to it as well. Unfortunately, this story is just one of those dark sides, stolen tour used Cameron stuff (as well as other golf memorabilia), sold to an unsuspecting buyer/collector as a legitimate sale.

It’s too bad that Henry now feels that these items may have been given to the contractor in good faith, although others he saw were not, but all of them got swept up in the same process. “Suffice it to say,  I think my Camerons had probably been given in good faith by Faldo’s former employee and I have lost them because of disputes between that individual and Nick Faldo. I really regret giving them back at all.

So the next time you see a highly collectible putter or a collectible golf related item on eBay, remain skeptical, do some additional research, and buyer beware before you plop down that hard earned $2500 (or more) on that item. You just might be paying for something you shouldn’t be buying the first place. Like Henry, you’ll be the one regretting giving it all back.

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  1. tonylynam

    Dec 31, 2011 at 9:25 am

    Is Faldo that broke that he had to use some of the putters to pay for work completed on his grounds to the contractor? That part is fishy. Bottom line is that Henry had no obligation to return anything and did so as the “honorable” thing to do. Faldo was under no obligation to do anything for Henry, but should have done so because it was the “honorable” thing to do. So much for being a Knight these days.

  2. Austin Young

    Dec 14, 2011 at 11:53 pm

    This all makes me sick to my stomach. This has been said above, but I’ll reiterate it. Faldo could have used his contacts to have Cameron, Grace, Bettinardi, Mills, anyone for that matter, make Henry any putter he wanted. He could have asked Cameron, who apparently was aware of the situation, and in my opinion had no business interfering, make Henry five handmades. Guys like us, me, Henry, some of you, save our money and wait for the opportunity to buy a tour or high end putter, which by the way are far superior to anything of the rack. Pros have unlimited access to as many Cameron Circle T’s as they want, and for free. Faldo is a prick, and a dishonest prick at that it sounds like. Henry, I have to say I would have never returned his stuff, but you did what you felt was right, assuming a legend would return the favor. Unfortunately being a great golfer doesn’t make you a great person.

  3. DoubleDawg

    Feb 26, 2009 at 6:42 pm

    Henry probably gave the putters back because he was afraid that if he didn’t, he’d one day find himself innocently sitting in a Las Vegas hotal room when suddenly O.J. Simpson and Nick Faldo are busting down the door, guns drawn, to “retrieve” Nick’s stolen memoribilia.

    On the serious: Henry might want to get in touch with the prosecuting authorities about getting restitution from the guy being prosecuted for the theft of the memoribilia. Also, if Faldo received insurance proceeds for the “theft” of this stuff, the insurance company might be the rightful owner of it, particularly if a bill of sale was executed in exchange for the payment of the proceeds.

  4. P LaGregor

    Feb 26, 2009 at 1:19 pm

    I’m not sure how it translates into international law, but I am pretty sure that if Henry had no idea they were stolen and purchased them legitimately, then he has no obligation to give them back. Seems like Faldo (or his manager) gave some non-specific promise to persuade Henry to return the goods and then basically said “F-you” once they got them back. Great example for children everywhere! If you are honest, you DON”T get rewarded. Well, done Henry, you are a truly honest man. I don’t know Faldo, nor the whole story, but this really makes him look like a a**hole!

  5. Gary W

    Feb 26, 2009 at 2:35 am

    If I remember correctly, at least in some states Henry is not obligated to return the putters because he is a bona fide purchaser. Faldo has to go after the contractor or whoever stole them. Likewise tho, Faldo does not have to compensate Henry if Henry choose to return those putters. I agree with Jason that the thought of paying for your stolen putters may just sicken Faldo’s mind. I don’t expect Faldo to show too much appreciation, although I would be impressed if he did.

    Now Davis Love III is a rich guy. If he’s unwilling to pay 10k for a putter, think twice before you do.

  6. Trevor

    Feb 25, 2009 at 5:04 am

    I would have told them to stick it up their you know what and told them to come get the putters…or he should have started talking in a foreign language when they first contacted him and hung the phone up. That is shitty I am sorry to hear this from a person who coul get any cameron he wanted get henry a special tour cameron made for him hell a couple after all he did give back your PRiZED pieces. Henry got hosed!!!

  7. chas

    Feb 25, 2009 at 1:03 am

    I would have demanded proper documentation…police reports, pics, item descripitions, etc., before simply “giving” up on a 20k investment. I strongly make the point it is NOT an investment to buy equipment designated as “tour” authentic. It would and is so easy to rip off a willing participant right down to the signed letter of authenticity by Scotty himself. Gimme a break…they would have handed me the check for what I spent before any of those clubs left my eyesight. All you guys knocking Faldo, don’t hate the player hate the game. The guy could flat out play in his prime. I’m with DL3 all the way. Those so called Tiger models are NEVER worth the dime some fool is willing to pay.

  8. Cy

    Feb 24, 2009 at 7:39 pm

    I think it’s a bit funny there are posters here claiming $20k is something Faldo can afford. Are you his accountant? Do his tax returns? Jason O is dead on, Faldo shouldn’t be responsible for paying someone for stuff that was stolen from him. Fact is the business law says stolen items bought in good faith are the property of the buyer, so while it was honorable for Henry to return them, he has no legal grounds to ask for compensation nor expect it.

    I just think it’s ridiculous most of you think $20,000 means less to Faldo than it does to you. But then again, that’s a common attitude in the States today, that somehow those with money value it less than those without it, therefore they should be willing to give it up. That’s downright stupid on so many levels…

  9. B Taylor

    Feb 23, 2009 at 12:44 am


    The least Faldo could do is contact Henry personally and at least give thanks to him. If insurance paid Faldo, then yes Faldo should pay Henry. Why would Faldo be entitled to basically 2 payments (the putters & the insurance check). Faldo could probably have Cameron make him replacement putters. If he could do that, maybe send Henry either the original or the new putters. I think a lot of things could have done to “fix” this that would have been better for Henry. Afterall, Henry can’t call Cameron and have another of these putters made…but Faldo can.

  10. Owais

    Feb 22, 2009 at 1:02 am

    Faldo is an idot. I wish Henry had kept the putters. Faldo doesnt deserve a dime of the stuff back.

  11. Stephen Y

    Feb 21, 2009 at 1:32 pm

    Whilst Nick is under no legal obligation to compensate Henry for anything if his putters were genuinely stolen, Henry’s painting of events leads one to believe that not everything was from the robbery and it would appear that Nick or his management team have been forthcoming with Henry. Henry has done the decent thing and offered them voluntarily. Unfortunately if he had kept them and allowed the legal process to run its course Nick would have had to be legally obliged to explain which were given away and which were indeed stolen and Henry might not be in the position he is in now. Perhaps if anyone from Team Faldo reads Golf WRX they should make amends and offer up something that money alone can’t buy.

  12. Gary G

    Feb 21, 2009 at 6:48 am

    I bet if you were the one to lose 20K on the deal you might just be singing a different tune. Irregardless, you have to give props to Henry doing the right thing. Hopefully Nick gets word of this and will pass on a bit more gratitude for his good deed.

  13. Steve

    Feb 20, 2009 at 10:30 pm

    I think the point is, that Faldo got off easy because Henry was so cooporative. It would have been a nice gesture for Faldo to show some appreciation here.

    Personally, I would have told Faldo to go pound sand, and let the legal system take it’s course. If I were forced to return them, then so be it. Of course personally, I would never spend 20 large on a few putters, but I do think Henry got the shaft here.

  14. Trevor Green

    Feb 19, 2009 at 1:10 am

    $20,000 is a ripple in the pond for Faldo, he should have certainly made it up to Campbell, atleast in a monetary way if nothing else

  15. Ian Tessier

    Feb 19, 2009 at 12:01 am

    I agree with Jason O.
    I feel bad for Henry and I wish he had slept on his decision to return the items for a little while longer. Perhaps he would have received advice to simply keep his collection and let the “powers that be” try to come and get it.
    But, as Jason points out it’s a little much to expect the Faldo camp to feel sorry for him.

  16. Ryan

    Feb 18, 2009 at 3:35 pm

    Maybe next time Faldo should be a little smarter with who he lets in his house. I dont just let anyone in my house and guess what? My putters just dont mysteriously walk off. Sounds like Faldo needs to get a brain. Henry did a glorious thing that is rarely found in society today and then the millionair golfer stiffs him. If Faldo doesnt want to pay Henry like the above poster states, how about taking Henry out for 2 or 3 rounds of golf? This way Faldo gets to keep his precious money(except for the rounds of golf) and putters. Sounda like a fair resolution for all. Gold Bless you Henry 99.9% of the world wouldnt have given anything back. It’s refreshing to hear of your good heart.

  17. Scott

    Feb 18, 2009 at 3:29 pm

    This is just wrong…Henry didn’t have to do a thing..he could have kept the whole lot and been in the right…he paid for them. But he did’nt, Henry did what most people don’t (the right thing) and that is what Faldo should have done (the right thing) but he didn’t. He should have tried to make Henry whole by using his name for Henry and he didn’t. A few phone calls and Faldo could have gotten Henry whatever he wanted. Faldo is as bad as the guy who ripped him off!

  18. Kevin K

    Feb 18, 2009 at 8:59 am

    Whatever, Nick Faldo is a tool. If these were truely his prize possessions then he shoud have indeed rewarded Henry for the return of his stuff. Not many like Henry in the world, and Faldo says some of it is irreplacesable. Well that should mean that money should be no object, and we all know that Faldo had plenty of that. Like I said, just another rich snobby tool.

  19. Jason O

    Feb 17, 2009 at 3:29 pm

    It sure does sound like you’re trying to paint a poor picture of Faldo. Henry DID get the shaft, but Faldo should not be responsible for making him whole again. Come on….Pay me for your stolen putters that I bought!! Just ridiculous.

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Whats in the Bag

Webb Simpson WITB 2024 (May)



Driver: Titleist TSR3 (10 degrees, A1 SureFit setting)
Shaft: Fujikura Ventus TR Black 6 X

3-wood: Titleist TS2 (15 degrees, B2 SureFit setting)
Shaft: Mitsubishi Tensei CK Blue 70 TX

5-wood: Titleist 913 Fd (18 degrees)
Shaft: UST Mamiya VTS Proforce 8 TX

Hybrids: Titleist TSR2 (24 degrees)
Shaft: Graphite Design Tour AD D1 Hybrid 105 X

Irons: Titleist T150 (5, 6), Titleist 680 (7-PW)
Shafts: True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X100

Wedges: Titleist Vokey Design SM9 (46-10F, 54-14F, 60-04L)
Shafts: True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X100 (46), True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue S400

Putter: Odyssey Ai-One Jailbird Cruiser

Ball: Titleist Pro V1

Grips: Golf Pride Tour Velvet

Check out more in-hand photos of Webb Simpson’s clubs here.

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Whats in the Bag

Keegan Bradley WITB 2024 (May)



Driver: Ping G430 LST (10.5 degrees)
Shaft: Fujikura Ventus Black 6 X

3-wood: TaylorMade Qi10 (16.5 degrees)
Shaft: Aldila Rogue White 130 MSI 70 TX

Hybrid: Callaway Apex UW (19 degrees)
Shaft:  Project X HZRDUS Smoke Black RDX 80 TX

Irons: Srixon ZX5 Mk II (3-5) Srixon ZX7 Mk II (6-PW)
Shafts: True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X100

Wedges: Cleveland RTX ZipCore (52-10 Mid, 58-6 Low)
Shafts: True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue S400

Putter: Odyssey Ai-One Jailbird Cruiser
Grip: SuperStroke Zenergy WristLock

Grips: Golf Pride Tour Velvet Plus4

Ball: Srixon Z-Star Diamond

Check out more in-hand photos of Bradley’s clubs here.

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Coolest thing for sale in the GolfWRX Classifieds (5/7/24): Mizuno 245 irons



At GolfWRX, we are a community of like-minded individuals that all experience and express our enjoyment of the game in many ways.

It’s that sense of community that drives day-to-day interactions in the forums on topics that range from best driver to what marker you use to mark your ball. It even allows us to share another thing we all love – buying and selling equipment.

Currently, in our GolfWRX buy/sell/trade (BST) forum, there is a listing for a set of Mizuno 245 irons.

From the seller: (@JB_007): “1. Mizuno Pro 245 – $1000 –> 950/obo

  • Purchased brand new – they have 36 holes on them, with probably 10 premium range balls. Great set of irons, I just am looking to go another way right now.
  • 5-PW –> stock L/L/L
  • Project X LS 6.5
  • Stock MCC Mizuno Grips.”

To check out the full listing in our BST forum, head through the link: Mizuno 245 irons

This is the most impressive current listing from the GolfWRX BST, and if you are curious about the rules to participate in the BST Forum you can check them out here: GolfWRX BST Rules

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